What are the symptoms of hiv? More

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Swollen lymph nodes – often one of the first signs of HIV infection, Diarrhea, Weight loss, Fever, Cough and shortness of breath. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-hiv%3F-more ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of hiv? More
Nearly any symptom could be a sign of HIV since infections can occur within the body. Special symptoms include sore throat mouth sores, muscular stiffness and aching headache.
The HIV virus may cause flu-like illness within a month or two after exposure, although there may not be any symptoms at all. Persistent or severe symptoms may surface within two years in babies born with an HIV infection. The symptoms of H…
HIV Symptoms The first symptoms of HIV infection can resemble symptoms of common cold or flu viruses three to six weeks later. The symptoms of early infection can also be similar to the symptoms of other sexually transmitted diseases and ot…

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Having every symptom of HIV but negative test at 21 weeks-just over 5 months…HELP?
Q: had an exposure 51/2 months ago in healthcare where a droplet of blood went in to my eye. So I called the PEP hotline and spoke with about 6-7 Drs. all telling me that due to the low chances and me being pregnant they wouldnt recommend PEP chance of transmission is low. Anyways, we asked the patient of his status he states he didnt have anything but refused an HIV test. None the less the Docs felt that even if the pt had HIV such an inoculation would not cause disease. However, after the PEP window passed I lost my mind. I was convinced that the patient lied and I was doomed. Sure enough about 8 days later ARS started…I got loose stools for 2 days, Night sweats for about 2 weeks, Thrush on my tongue (confirmed), white patches on my tongue, hariy looking papilla and fissures on the tip of my tongue, Burning sensation in my esophagus and lips….And still 5 months later my symptoms persist and more have come about such as numbness in my thighs (femerol nerve) not sciatica, sores on my body that are healing slowly, shortness of breath, insomnia/ fatigue and all I can think about is that I am DYING of HIV. Despite all my symptoms all of my tests have been negative thus far…Oral Swab at 3 weeks- NEG I had a PCR-RNA test at 35 days- NEG; no virus detected; less than 48 copies/1.7 ml Oral swab at 6 weeks- NEG Antibody blood test for HIV 1/2, HEP C, Sypillis at 8 weeks- NEGAntibody blood test for HIV 1/2, HEP C, Syphillis at 12 weeks- NEG Antibody blood test for HIV 1/2, HEP C, Syphillis at 5 months and 1 week- NEG My questions are: 1) Could pregnancy and extreme stress delay seroconversion? 2) What about coinfection with Hep C?3) Can having Latent TB delay seroconversion?4) Everyone keeps tellling me that the 3 month test is conclusive but I cannot let go…HAS ANYONE YOU KNOW OR HEARD OF TESTED + PAST 3 MONTHS?5) And what of my symptoms? they are very strange and more like HIV than pregnancy-related…Should I expect them to just magically go away?6) Is testing out to 1 yr a thing of the past? The CDC states 6 mths as the last test…Is that 100% accurate?7) what would you suggest for me? I need to put this behind me before my baby is due in 1 month. PLEASE HELP!
A: The test is almost 99.99999999999999999999999999999% conclusive@ 6 months. Your agony and stress may be what is causing all these symptoms. When you really believe you have something the mind begins to experience those symptoms; in other words, your mind is so ppower fullthat when you really really really believe you have something it makes your body eexperiencethose symptoms.
Hiv Symptoms?
Q: I have recently devoloped a red dot which is rather itchy around my pubic hair, i am still a virgin so i couldnt of contracted it from that, i was wondering what else could it be, and could it be aids/HIV? i read that rash was one of the symptoms, but its more of a small dot than a rash, could it be something else?
A: It could be an ingrown hair, pimple or a bite.You can get HIV/AIDS through bodily fluids and sharing infected needles. Since you are a virgin and hopefully you are smart enough not to use drugs you should be fine.
Anxiety of HIV.?
Q: I’ve had 2-3 outbreaks of Genital HSV-1 in the last 3-4 months, I keep reading up on symptoms of HIV, and see that outbreaks of herpes is one. I’m married and have been for 5 years, neither of us have ever been with one another. So for one how did I get the Genital HSV-1? When he doesn’t have it and two why do I keep worring about HIV? We have a 18 mo daughter who is happy and healthy, and I think I was screened for HIV when I was pregnant. What can I do? Are there more symptoms to this? Do I really have HSV-1 Genitally?
A: Well I am pregnant and I can tell you that you prob were testes for HIV during your pregnancy… I know I was tested for every STD and seems just about any other disease when I was pregnant. (so that would include herpes/warts/etc as well!)As far as HSV-1… sex is the only way to get this…(sitting on toliet seats etc will not infect you) if your husband really has been faithful…(and you have) then you should not worry the bumps down there can be other things. If your husband has not been faithful he may just not have had an out break yet. HIV has many many symptoms and even if you had HSV-1… that does not mean you have HIV… I would go to the doctor the best of luck to you!
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