What do you eat with the lemonade diet

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The Lemonade Diet is a short-term, cleansing diet that is similar to a juice fast in many ways. While you are following the diet (10 to 40 days), your sole source of energy and nutrients is a lemonade made made with fresh-squeezed lemon juice…MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-eat-with-the-lemonade-diet ]
More Answers to “What do you eat with the lemonade diet
Can you eat on the lemonade diet?
No food should be eaten on the lemonade diet. The only calories you should consume are in the lemonade/maple syrup/cayenne pepper/water drink. It’s also important to drink the laxative tea and do the salt water flush. Make sure to read “…
What You Can Eat While on the Lemonade Diet
This is considered a short-term, cleansing diet that is similar to a juice fasting diet. Time on the diet can range from then to forty days and your sole source of nutrition is a lemonade made with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, purified (non-…
Would the lemonade diet work if I ate food?
Don’t bother with those fad diets. They don’t work. Just eat sensibly and get at least 30 minutes of cardio a day.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What foods can you eat on the Lemonade Diet?
Q: We saw that in the book it says that you can eat certain foods that won’t interfere with your diet. Does anybody know what these foods are? If you do please help.
A: Tuna.
Im thinking of starting the Lemonade Diet, Can I eat fruit on the diet? If I get hungry?
Q: Im thinking of starting the Lemonade diet(The Master Cleanse Diet) If I do get hungry during my time on the diet can I eat any fruits or veggies? Also I heard Im suppose to drink some sort of tea on the diet. I would like only responses of people who have been on/ tried the diet, not any negative responses please.Thank You
A: The Lemonade Diet is a short-term, cleansing diet that is similar to a juice fast in many ways. While you are following the diet (10 to 40 days), your sole source of energy and nutrients is a lemonade made with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, purified (non-fluoridated) water, grade-B maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. In addition, each morning, you drink a salt-water flush, and each evening you drink a laxative tea. The only other beverages allowed on the Lemonade Diet are pure (non-fluoridated) water and peppermint tea.There is a strict regimen for ending the diet, beginning with fresh-squeezed citrus juices for approximately 36 hours, and then gradually moving to raw vegetables and fruits or to cooked vegetable soups over the course of three to five days after ending the regime.
Foods you can eat on the Lemonade Diet/Master Cleanse?
Q: It’s currently my 1st day on the diet. I’m just wondering what certain foods there are that i could possibly have small portions of.I heard its fine if you have veggies and fruit here and there.any others that are acceptable?
A: I believe the Master Cleanse Diet is supposed to be a fast. Meaning you dont eat anything!
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