What does milk help you to do

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Milk provides the body with calcium and it can actually protect against poor health. Keep asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-milk-help-you-to-do ]
More Answers to “What does milk help you to do
Does milk help you grow tall?
i am 15 years old. i am 192.5cm tall. i drink a lot of milk every day. i hav an average of 6 bowls of cereal(with milk) per day. i would say i drink around a litre and a half of milk per day. i dont eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. i pers…
Does milk help you grow?
You are right that the calcium will straighten you bones, but if you are still growing it will stimulate bone growth. That is what I have been lead to believe.
How does milk help the body?
It strengthens the bones by providing calcium.

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breast milk production help… what did you do to increase your supply?
Q: what did you take ? how long did it take to work? please just give me your expierience with what you took and what helped and how long did it take?
A: I tried Funugreek and also eating oatmeal. Not sure if it worked cause I took her to the Lactation consultant to find out she was getting enough all along. Babies tummies are only the size of a quarter and they will not drink much at all in the beginning. Good luck.
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Q: When my son was a baby, I used cold packs and cabbage leaves. It took about 10 days, and my milk dried up. I was wondering how the moms out there cleared up their breast milk. Please no rude answers. Thank you.I’m not going to breast feed.I’m making the choice not to breast feed for private reasons.
A: i just cut down gradually. i breast pumped a couple times a day too releive the pressure, n just cut down each day. only took me bout 5-6 days.
What do i do to feed my daughter?
Q: My doctor wants me to wean my 5 month old daughter. She has never had formula and she gags and throws it up. i can’t get her o drink any of it, and if she does she gags it right back up. She is not being weaned cause I don’t have enough milk. I have p;enty of milk, but nursing is apparently running my system way down. Any suggestions?
A: Do what you have to do.. A happy mom equals a happy and healthy baby… Your doctor would not suggest that for no good reason… So you are better off listening to him as i am thinking there is something more to this question than meets the eye.. Maybe try a different brand of formula…? Anyway what ever you do look after yourself and take care.. Good Luck
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