What does the good fat do to your body

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What does the good fat do to your body”,you can compare them.

Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated fats can lower bad cholesterol and increase the good kind. They can also help in weight loss! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-the-good-fat-do-to-your-body ]
More Answers to “What does the good fat do to your body
What is a good body fat percentage?
Ok I do not think you can get your personal body fat percentage online, you’d need to go to a gym or someone that has one of those calipers that lightly pinch 3 parts of your body to determine it’s composition… Even home scales that tell …
What is the best way to lose body fat?
Food: Stay away from white grains like pasta, bread, flour, and rice. When eating grains go for whole wheat, it’s a lot healthier and has fewer calories. When eating meat, always go for lean or extra lean if available. Also stay away from j…
Is fat good for your body?
A little bit of fat is good. too much however can cause health problems

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does your body gain more fat when your living in a colder environment?
Q: I live in Toronto, if during the winter i dont turn on the heat in my room and the room temperature drops down to around 15Celsius (59F), does my body respond by producing more body fat? Im a fitness buff and want to maintain a low body fat %.
A: No. There is such things such as genes reacting to environmental changes. Animals often do this with fur color. Humans don’t gain weight in colder weather. More the most part, your body won’t even change temps unless your sick.If anything it will make you loose weight because your burning more energy trying to stay warm.
Does the number of fat cells in your body determine how much fat your body can store?
Q: Does the number of fat cells in your body determine how much fat your body can store?
A: No, but you can make things harder for yourself if you are a fat child…because when you are still growing, your body can produce NEW fat cells, all the way through PUBERTY….after that point, fats cells shrink and expand, based upon whether one is losing or gaining weight…..BUT THEY NEVER GO AWAY OR DIE. EVEN WHEN WE LOSE WEIGHT, WE NEVER, EVER. EVER LOSE THOSE DARN FAT CELLS!!!That is why it is so vitally important for our kids to maintain healthy weights now. If they don’t they are setting themselves up for major problems as adults.
does body fat effect when you get your period?
Q: If you have low body fat % does that mean when you get your period you will be a little older, like 14, 15, or 16?
A: Yes, body fat does affect when you start getting your period. The less body fat the later you will likely get your period. I read an article that said, “Women who lose a lot of their body fat through athletic training may therefore, start menstruating late or menstruate infrequently. In addition, women who lose most of their body fat through starvation, like women with anorexia, stop menstruating. Girls who are under-nourished start their periods later than girls who are well fed.”Here is the website:http://www.faqs.org/health/topics/34/Menstruation.html
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