What foods are good for your liver/kidney

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What foods are good for your liver/kidney”,you can compare them.

Fresh and supplemental garlic, onion and other sulfur foods are good for the liver. Red bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, onions, cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, red grapes, olive oil, egg whites and fish are good for the kidneys [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-are-good-for-your-liver%26%2347%3Bkidney ]
More Answers to “What foods are good for your liver/kidney
What is best food to make your kidney and liver healthy??
Eating healthy foods for the liver can improve and support liver function on a daily basis. Having a healthy liver results in greater energy and general well-being. A poorly functioning liver can result in tiredness, headaches, bad breath, …
What kinds of foods are especially helpful in repairing and clean…?
Cranberry juice is very good for your kidneys and liver. It helps clear them out. The person who said the juice has too much sugar is partly right. The cranberry juice coctail that is most popular has added sugar, since straight up cranberr…
What are the Foods good for the liver and kidneys??
Plenty of deep fried foods and plently of alcohol

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the chances my dog might have liver/kidney failure?
Q: My dog started shaking yesterday and his ears felt pretty warm. He did stop shaking once he had food (yes we feed him regularly.) He is old, 12 years old, and has just been to the vet and was given some medicine. What are the chances he might have liver/kidney failure? I couldn’t stand having him put to sleep. I just can’t imagine like without him. He’s such a wonderful dog :'(He’s a black Labrador btwI’m sorry if I just wanted help like all the other people on here ;l
A: The only way of knowing if to have a blood sample taken and analysed for a couple of enzymes that indicate liver and kidney damage.What did your vet do and what medication is he on?At 12 there is a good chance he could have some liver or kidney damage, however we have drugs and special foods to treat these nowadays, and they are often highly effective.
How does a liver & kidney detox work?
Q: I’m not going to go into all the details of why, but because I’ve spent years eating foods I’m not supposed to. My organs are completely exhausted now. I’ve been reading “Food is your best medicine” by Dr. Henry G. Bieler. He says one of the best way to give your organs a break is to detox. I have hypoglycemia… so I can’t ingest juices or anything.Is there a way I can safely give my organs a rest?
A: just drink water for a while. detoxing and flushings are nothing more than a mere way to make you feel like crap, so when you start to eat again, you feel better.dont waste your money, water is the best thing.
Dog potential liver / kidney failure – What dog food to feed ?? – Shiba Inu 13 years old?
Q: Hi , I have a Shiba Inu – who is 13 years young his blood test came up as high protine so I must change foods – So I’m looking for imput from anyone with knowledge of what foods he can eat that WILL not damage his kidneys or Liver anything further – hes on dry food – Innova – but reciently discovered its not good for older / kidney dogs — I’m open to any high quality food & if i must transfer him to transfering to wet / dry mix – Our Friends Shiba from same breeder has just been diagnosed with failing kidneys / liver & also neurological issues ( my dog has had some neurological issues also so genetic ?? ) I would love any info possible espically HIGH QUALITY foods I could look at changing him to -please – as I’d like my dog to live comfortably & as healthily as possible Thank you
A: It just has to be low protein- high carb- low fat. Any food or homemade food will do. It is more difficult for the body to digest fats and proteins than it is for the body to digest carbohydrates. That just puts more stress on the kidneys. Lots of rice would be good mixed with just a little meat to give it flavor. There is a Science Diet formula for kidneys that the vets sell, but some just say to use lots of rice with just a bit of meat. Ask your vet for his preference.
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