What foods speed up your metabolism the most

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What foods speed up your metabolism the most”,you can compare them.

The top 10 foods are water, green tea, soup, grapefruit, apples, broccoli, low-fat yogurt, lean turkey, oatmeal, and hot peppers. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-speed-up-your-metabolism-the-most ]
More Answers to “What foods speed up your metabolism the most
What food speeds up metabolism?
Metabolism is the combination of breakdown and build up of chemicals in your body. Any food that would speed up this digestive process, would do it for you. Sugar foods like milk, crackers, bread, juice, and protein, all energize your body….
Can Foods Speed Up your Metabolism?
It’s the great news if you can found the food that increase metabolism, because you can eat delicious food but still lose weight. Speed up your metabolism will help you to burn calorie faster and as you know that if you can burn 3500 calori…
Will I lose weight if I stick to nonfat foods?
Yes, unless you eat those nonfat foods as if you’ve just gotten off a Survivor island. Too much of anything isn’t good for you (we’ve been over this). If you’re eating four Lean Cuisine microwave meals for dinner and three fat-free pints of…

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Q: I heard that after you eat a very spicy food, your metabolism speeds up and stays like that a few hours after you had the meal. Is that true? How does it work? Why do spicy foods have this effect?
A: It is heard that spicy food can speed up your metabolism. However, the amount is very small. It wouldn’t have an effect to you. In Malaysia, my dad was born there and lived there for his 19 years of life. Malaysians tend to eat a lot of spicy food. His family and most of many other Malaysians were very thin. Even those rich families! They ate and had enough money to purchase food. But I could be wrong, it may be in their genetics. Who knows though, it wasn’t provened yet. Just wait until it does. (:
Does eating spicy foods speed up your metabolism and cause you to lose weight faster???
Q: If you eat spicy food or drink the spicy hot v8 drink will it speed up your metabolism and cause you to lose weight faster?
A: It’s been alleged for a long time, but never proven. I suppose it could make you lose weight if you’re not used to spicy foods, because you’ll get a wicked case of diarrhea later
Do cucumbers (or what other foods) speed up your metabolism?
Q: What are some good foods to speed up your metabolism after or before excersizing or while walking?Thanks
A: Any food speeds up your metabolism while you are digesting it. Hot pepper seems to speed up metabolism a bit for about a half-hour, especially if eaten with a lot of fat. Exercise itself revs up your metabolism, since the body needs more energy, and will use fat stored in your body and will continue for some time after exercise to more efficiently process calories you take in. You would have to drink a LOT of green tea for it to do much for your metabolism.
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