What has a lot of zinc in it

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The best sources of zinc include beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams and salmon. Vegetarians intake less zinc than those with meat based diets. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-has-a-lot-of-zinc-in-it ]
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Which is the fruit with lot of zinc?
Most fruits contain a small amount of zinc, but the following have a significant amount: Blackberries Kiwi

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What foods have a lot of zinc in them?
Q: My whole life I have had little white half moons in my nails/nail plates. I just read that it can be caused by zinc deficency. What foods have a lot of zinc in it?Please don’t say take a multi vitamin.
A: http://home.bluegrass.net/~jclark/source_foods.htmThis site has a nice list that should be very helpful for you.
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Q: I have a cold, a headache, a throatache, and more, and I want to know a food that could help me. Zinc and vitamin c are good.
A: These foods are listed in alphabetical order, not ranked according to which are the most nutritious. TOP FOOD IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS Avocado B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E Chickpeas (especially tasty when made into hummus) protein, fiber, folic acid, vitamin B-6, calcium, zinc, and iron Eggs protein, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin B-12, folic acid Fish (salmon, tuna) protein, niacin, vitamin B-12, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids Flax seeds and flax oil omega-3 fatty acids, seeds also rich in protein, fiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin Blueberries rich source of antioxidants, blueberries are known as the brain berry Lentils protein, fiber, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, folic acid, iron; most intestines-friendly legume Spinach rich in folic acid, fiber, vitamin C and calcium Tofu (firm) protein, fiber, vitamin A, thiamin, folic acid, calcium, zinc, iron, unsaturated fats, anti- cancer phytonutrients Tomatoes vitamin A, vitamin C, health-promoting phytonutrients, especially lycopene Whole grains protein, fiber, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-12, folic acid, zinc, iron Yogurt (plain, nonfat) protein, calcium, zinc, folic acid, riboflavin, Lactobacilli for colon health HONORABLE MENTION Almonds protein, fiber, riboflavin, calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin E, unsaturated fats Artichokes protein, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, calcium, zinc, and iron Broccoli vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, beta carotene, anti-cancer phytonutrients Cantaloupe carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene Garlic heart-healthy and anticancer phytonutrients Orange fiber, calcium, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin C, carotenoids Papaya fiber, vitamin C, folic acid, carotenoids Peanut butter protein, fiber, niacin, zinc, vitamin E Peppers (sweet and hot) vitamin A, vitamin C, B-6, health-promoting phytonutrients, folic acid Pink grapefruit vitamin C, fiber, carotenoids Sunflower seeds protein, unsaturated fats, fiber, niacin, folic acid, zinc, iron, vitamin E, selenium Turkey protein, niacin, B-12, zinc, iron
which is the fruit with lot of zinc?
Q: which is the fruit with lot of zinc?
A: Most fruits contain a small amount of zinc, but the following have a significant amount: Blackberries Kiwi
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