What if i’m underweight

Health related question in topics Fitness .We found some answers as below for this question “What if i’m underweight”,you can compare them.

Being underweight can cause many different types of sickness, so take caution. Weight loss can also be due to wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Hyperthyroidism, eating disorders and excessive physical activity must also be considered. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-if-i%27m-underweight ]
More Answers to “What if i’m underweight
I am not a recruiter but did experience this issue. During my talks with recruiter before going to MEPS he asked me how much I weighed. Taking a guess, I said 100 pounds give or take a few pounds in either direction. I’m 5′ 2”, minimum for…
A water fast gives the digestive system a chance to rest, and it often absorbs and assimilates better after a fast. Patients who have a hard time gaining weight generally find it easier after a fast, because the food they eat is being more …
If you are below your ideal weight, you will want to gain enough weight to reach your ideal weight and gain an additional 25 to 35 pounds. Inadequate nutrition and poor weight gain, put your baby at risk for low birth weight and premature b…

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Q: I don’t get it I’m like 10 pounds under the ideal weight for a girl my age an height. I eat fast food a lot and snack all the time. So if I’m not gaining weight from that whats going on. Like is it harming my heart twice as much or what? I hope that makes sense.
A: Alright, so some people just have different body types.. some people have to work very hard to keep weight off and others dont… its that simple.HOWEVER this absoolutley does not mean eat whatever you want. you still need to eat healthy to keep away problems when you are older such as heart problems and diabetes. it also does not mean weight gain will never happen. I know people who ate whatever they wanted and were stick thin and got fat fast later on in their life.
I’m a female, 5′ 9 1/2″, and 132lbs. Is this underweight, average, or a healthy weight?
Q: I’m 16 years-old.I exercise more than 3 times a day, on average.I eat 3 or 4 meals a day (sometimes more)It seems everytime I eat, my body feels like it has to exercise it off, right away.I’m just wondering if this is normal and if I have a normal weight/height ratio?This question is mostly for opinions, because I like to hear other people’s opinions. I will not obsess or get crazy with the opinions, I’m just wondering what you guys think.Thanks for answering if you do.=]
A: sweetie u r thin n u know it maybe u just like to hear us say it… u may have a borderline eating disorder!!! like bulimia im worried….132 at 5’9″ isnt overweight (( aslo the fact that u had to put the and a 1/2 inches is odd)) try not to work out for a whole day or 2 and write down exactly how u feel tell your doctor and see what they think!! its quite unnatural and unnecessary to work out after every meal especially if ur already healthy and at a normal weight which u would seem to be underweight at 5 9! u only need to work out 3-4 times a week for 30 mins – 1 hour
How can I tell if I’m underweight?
Q: I asked a question about anorexia because I wasn’t sure what it was, but people said I was underweight :/Is there a website that I can go to that I can enter my height, weight, and age, and it will tell me how much weight to gain to be healthy?&& maybe how to GAIN that weight?that would be great!thanks!or maybe you could just help me?I’m 145 foot 1about 84 poundsthanks.just so you know, i do eat…A LOT! lol..that just doesn’t seem to work..
A: yup, here’s a website.http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/i did it for you.your BMI is 15.9 – that’s underweight,since underweight is <18.5in order to be healthy at 5’1, you shouldweigh at least 98lbs (your bmi would be 18.5which is the start of the ‘normal weight’ range)and at the most 132lbs (your bmi would be24.9, end of the ‘normal weight’ range).anorexia is an extremely low body weight andfear of gaining weight or becoming “fat” in their eyes.if you watch the tyra show she might talk about it sinceshe usually talks about stuff that has to do with youngwomen.some people are naturally thin though, keep in mind.to gain weight:http://nutrition.about.com/od/dietsformedicaldisorders/f/GainWeight.htmunhealthy way to gain weight = eating junk + greasy food
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