What is a good way to raise your body temperature

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good way to raise your body temperature”,you can compare them.

You can raise your body temperature by exercising, wearing more layers of clothing, or wearing a hat and gloves. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-way-to-raise-your-body-temperature ]
More Answers to “What is a good way to raise your body temperature
Is their any way you can raise the body of a 1986 Chrysler Fifth …?
No. The Chrysler 5th Avenue is a “uni-body” automobile. This means that the frame and the body are actually one piece.
Is there a natural way to raise the amount of DMT in the body wit…?
i suggest you look up a book called “dmt the spirit molecule” if by raise you mean releasing it into your body then yes… in the book written by rick strassman, its believed that dmt is released during heavy REM sleep, birth, dea…

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How do you raise your body temperature while sitting down.?
Q: I often get a runny nose after sitting in class for 10 minutes. However, as soon as I start walking, I feel fine. I think this is because my body temperature falls as soon as I stop moving or sit down.Is it possible to maintain your body temperature or raise your body temperature while sitting in a class?The method has to be quite subtle as my teacher might go mad if I just start meditating in class as I might look like I’ve just fallen asleep.
A: The Autogenic relaxation technique may help. Three times tell yourself, I am calm & relaxed – then My arms are very heavy x 3 – carry on with body very heavy x3 – my body is warm and relaxed x 3 – practice beforehand to establish the pattern. Do look up Autogenic Training it is very useful to focus the mind. All the best. Your nose may run for other reasons though. If you are sensitive to your surroundings, as in hayfever, it would cause nose to run. It could be say, a cleaning solution they use in classroom. Just a thought, may be irrelevant.
Will Nyquil raise your body temperature?
Q: I am charting trying to track my ovulation pattern since I have irregular periods. Both my husband and I got sick at the same time. Right before we got sick, my body temperatures dropped for two days. I took nyquil because I started feeling stuffy and congested, etc. The next two mornings, my temperature increased higher than my normal body temperature. Could this be ovulation or will nyquil raise your body temperature?
A: Nyquil is supposed to treat fever as well as a myriad of other cold symptoms, so it’s not raising your body temp. It’s either ovulation or it’s a fever, but if you feel okay, I’d vote for ovulation.
Can talking on a cell phone raise your body temperature?
Q: My friend and I have noticed that we’ll be really cold at work, but once we talk on a cell phone we suddenly get very hot. WTF? Can the radiation the cell phone emits cause our body temperature to rise? It’s annoying, and we were’nt sure if there was a correlation or if it’s just a coincidence.
A: According to recent study made in Germany, cell phones make minor increase in brain temperature (if you’re not using a headset) but this increase is so minor that it is equivalent to few minute in the sun.
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