What is a liquid diet and how do I do that

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A full liquid diet is a diet that falls in between a clear liquid diet and a soft liquid diet. It is often prescribed after surgery, especially any type of stomach of gastrointestinal surgery. If you are prescribed a full liquid diet you can eat food and MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-liquid-diet-and-how-do-i-do-that ]
More Answers to “What is a liquid diet and how do I do that
That is having nothing but liquids, but not just things you drink. It can also include soups & broths. Unless it is a clear liquids, then you are limited to water & possibly broth.
A liquid diet is one of the hardest diet plans to follow because they are so restrictive.  Some liquid diets encourage individuals to follow a diet plan composed of just liquids and this can be extremely difficult.  Other liquid diets recom…
When it comes to eating fruits and vegetable, many of you would rather swallow than chew. A fruit, vegetable or blend in the form of a liquid beverage is a great way to swallow at least 5 to 9 of your daily quotient of produce. Our optimum …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What kind of liquids are good for a liquid diet?
Q: I’m wanting to do a liquid diet for a week, and I would like suggestions as to what kind of liquids would be good for this diet. I know water would be one, but I need others, ones that aren’t fattening and would speed the losing weight process, but at the same time keep me from feeling too hungry. I’m open for any suggestions. Thanks!
A: I’d go with juices with no added sugar. Pure juice like Juicy Juice (I know it’s for kids, but it’s still healthy) Carrot juice is filling, but healthy. You could also try V8. And remember that on a liquid diet you can have the broth from soups.
What is the best liquid diet available without a doctor?
Q: I can’t afford a doctor, but the Atkins diet is not working for me. Is there a web site that offers a good liquid diet?
A: Liquid diets aren’t always the best because your body doesn’t digest it the same.It’s similar to drinking V8 juice. That doesn’t count as a serving of fruit or vegetables because your body doesn’t recognize the nutrients as it would say, an apple.The best way to lose weight is to just eat low fat, low calorie foods.Foods such as celery and cabbage make you lose a bit more weight because they keep you full with the fiber and they also burn more calories being digested than they actually contain.Dairy is high in fat, so low fat cheese and skim milk are always an option along with water based soups.Things like that should help lose weight.
Is a liquid diet a safe way to lose weight?
Q: I exercise for about 20-30 minutes everyday (i run). If i went on an all liquid diet without sugary juices like twister, would it work? How rapidly would i lose weight?
A: With your execise regimen, I would not advise a liquid diet. Your body needs fuel in the form of carbs and proteins to keep you from burning muscle instead of fat.
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