What is a more effective way to lose weight running or sit-ups

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Running is a more effective way to bring up your heart rate which is what enables weight loss. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-more-effective-way-to-lose-weight-running-or-sit%26%2345%3Bups ]
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What is a more effective way to lose weight running or sit-ups?
Running is a more effective way to bring up your heart rate which is what enables weight loss. ChaCha on!

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Q: Sorry, I know this will be long but I just figure if I have more details it’ll be easier to get an answer. Anyways, I have four questions (sorry):Question One:So about a month ago I started working out more often because I decided I wanted to get in good shape. My goal is to get as thin as possible and once there, build some muscle. I’m 19 by the way. I’m definitely a bit overweight but by no means obese. My goal is to get fit/lose weight by the new year so I can maybe try out for boxing. Anyways, all I’ve been doing up to now has been running on a daily basis, about 30-50 minutes a day. However, as I was doing my running last Wednesday, my left knee started to hurt. I tried to fight past it and I managed to run for about 15 minutes. However, I decided to stop fearing I would mess something up. A week later, I tried to do my running again, and the pain is still there. It isn’t all that painful, but it definitely slows me down. I’m probably running as fast as I can power walk. So instead of running or waiting one more week (I’ll end up slacking if I wait longer), I want to be able to workout without running. I read that the healthy amount of steps on a daily basis is 10,000. So my question: If I power walk 10-15,000 steps (using a pedometer, of course) in one sitting rather than running, would it equate to about an hour worth of running?Question Two:Jump roping. I read that it’s a good way to lose weight. Is it really effective, worth considering?Question Three:What is the best way to lose mass on my stomach? I don’t want to build too much muscle at the moment but it seems like sit-ups are the only way. Is there an alternate solution to this?Question Four:Food. I’ve been eating nothing but sardine/tuna sandwiches for a while now (aside from when I cheat on my diet every now and then). Three a day. Is this healthy? Do I get sufficient nutrients from this or is there a better alternative?Thanks in advance to whoever takes the time to read and respond =]
A: Ok, firstly an answer to your questions and then I will give you advise on how to lose weight effectively.1) No. Doing an hour of running is far more effective than walking this distance, as we use more energy and build more muscle whilst running than simply walking.2) It is, but only as part of an overall effective controlled diet and exercise regime.3) The best way to lose stomach fat is by doing general exercise. When you do any form of exercise, it depletes the total amount of fat in your body and not from one particular place. As such, in simplistic terms, the more general cardio you do, the more fat you will lose from your overall body fat, and subsequently from your stomach.4) It’s not that healthy and will hinder your fitness goals. Let me explain below:Now, my explanations and tips for losing fat:Good nutrition, not a diet!The most effective way to prime your body to lose fat is to have a good nuritrion. This doesn’t mean going on a diet, nor does it mean limiting the total amount of food you have, it’s about eating the right things at the right time. As such, without explaining in too much detail, eat like the following:Eat 5 times a day – 2hours 30mins apart. Each meal should be the size of your hands cupped together.Breakfast, eat 60% carb, 40% protein,Snacks 60% protein and 40% carbs and vegLunch 50% protein and 50% carbs and vegDinner 60%protein and 40% vegOk, so now a list of foods to eat! These will be your best chance of weight lose:Proteins(Ideal Choice):Duck eggs, Hens eggs, Quails Eggs, Calves Liver, Lambs Liver, skinless chicken, skinless turkey, vealChick peas, Lentils, Nuts(Raw), Quinoa, Quorn, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, tofuAll types of Fish!(Good choice):Low fat cottage cheese, low fat live natural yoghurt, baked beans (unsweetened)Carbs(Ideal choice)Barley, Oatmeal, Wholegrain rye breadApples, Apricots (fresh), blackberries, cranberries, grapefruit, lemons, limes, pears, plums, strawberriesArtichokes, asparagus, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, greens, kale, leeks, onions, pak choi, peppers, spinach, string beansBean sprouts, mushrooms, raw sprouted seeds and beans, tomatoes, salad leaves(Good choice)Brown rice, couscous, granola bars with nuts, pumpernickel bread, wholemeal bread, wholewheat pasta and spagblueberries, cherries, grapes, loganberries, mangoes, oranges, papayas, peaches, pineapples, tangerinescarrots, courgettes, kidney beans, pumpkin, turnips, yellow squashavocados, beetroot, celeriac, olivesA simple rule. If it’s not on the list above, don’t eat it! This means, little or no sweet or starchy carbs (such as sweets, cola, potatoes, rice). If you follow this rule, then you give yourself the ideal platform to lose weight via exercise.Also, drink 2 litres of water a day!The Best Exercise regimeAs your knee is hurting, I recommend you do not go running (for the time being anyway). Try to do the following during the week:Monday: moderate overall body weightsTuesday: swimming 1 hourWednesday: rope work 1/2 hour + shadow boxing 1/2 hourThursday: moderate overall body weightsFriday: rest or shadow boxing 1/2 hourSaturday: swimming 1 hourSunday: restI know you said you don’t want to put on muscle, but you must realise that muscle is essential to burning fat. The more you have on you, the quicker it is to burn that fat off. As your goal is to get thin, then put on muscle, it makes sense that you can avoid this process and skip to your end goal straight away. It will save you a lot of time and hassle doing it my way!Ok, for weights days, join a gym or use your own dumbells. Then find a weights regime that suits you at www.bodybuilding.com (don’t be put off by the name, this site gives all type of good solid advise to people wanting to lose weight and get muscular). However, don’t fall into the trap of overexercising using weights. Make sure your weights sessions are at least 48 hours apart and that in the regimes, you do not take more than 1-2 minutes resting between sets.For cardio side of your workouts, try swimming, rope work and swadow boxing. These will complement your weights regime, by using all that extra muscle to burn fat off your body more quickly!Finally, remember – if you keep this up it might take 2-3 months before you see proper results. During this period, don’t weigh yourself either – as you will be putting on hard muscle it will weigh more than fat. So when you are losing fat and putting on muscle, you might gain a little body weight but your physical appearance will look much more toned and fitter! Remember, don’t give up – you will see results if you stick to this – have patience!
i actually have a couple questions… plz answer:D?
Q: so on july 20th im going to cedar point with my family and soak city.so i started my diet plan on june 16th and its been five days and honeslty, im starting to get discouraged cuz i havent seen any results for my stomach or love handles, then again, its too soon, right?(that would be my first question)i have been waking up at around 7:30 and doing cardio for at least 15 min (with the ab circle pro and i work up a sweat with it) but each day i alternate the time and during the day i try to stay active. i also try to do it after i eat each time for 10 min. the hardset part which im still struggiling with is my new eating ways, i eat 5 times a day with 2 to 3 hours apart small meals, i have cut bread, cereal anythin processesd i have stopped eating. i try to include either fruits or veggies in evry meal and i dont eat after 7:)) pm. i guess since i was really hard on myself with the new eating thing, i kinda expected to see results quickly. i know for fact that if i excersize alot and stay acitve most of the day, its possible to lose my midsection in one month. with this being said,im going to make these modifications instead of stopping, pigging uot and starting all freakinn over again.1. im going to do strength training along with 30 minutes of cardio in the morning. such as sit ups, yoga on the wii fit, running on the wifit, hula hoopng paracrices both on the wii fit and doing the hula hoop motion without the wiif it. i understand that an excersize isnt effective inless done at least 10 each.2. i will also walk around the block each day for at least 45 minutes3. will try to do the wii fit whevr i can instead of sitting around4. i also will try roller blading around the block5.im very good at dancing ecspecially hip hop so since its a passion of mine, ill try to fit in at least 30 minutes of dancing evryday i think thats about it but id really lke some encouragement becuz im starting to doubt myslef and thinknig that weight loss is impossible. i understand that i cant target reduce its jsut that i have a nice ass an dont wanna lose weight from my thighs or butt hopefully i dont.evry friday my family and i go out to a restaraunt so ill will aso be maknig good chices there as well. im going to excersize evry single day and my excersize will add up to to more than 1 hour each day.i will not have any freedays to eat what i want.just to make it clear, im definity not over weight but u know sometimes when u see a person and say to urslef “wow!!! she would ahev a perfect figure if only her stoamch was flat and she had no love handles”im pretty sure u girlz out there woulld agree with me. it would make u much happier if u could lose the weight. ecspecially if u are 15 years old like me. i really want this to happen and would be totally broken if i didnt achieve any results. this is the only thing i want in life and i woiuld be living my dream, tht is how much this means to me.one last question, after five days my weight has been fluctuating between 2,3,or even 4 lbs. like sometimes i would weigh 132 then after an hor it would be 134 or 133. luckily the weight on the scale is definitly not my concern. my concern is the actual image of my midsection. i have been trying to figure out whether i got thinner by trying on a pair of jeans i bought but whenevr i put them on this fifth day, my love handles stiill stick out, this is one of the reasons y im getting discouraged. im sooooooooooooo sorry 4 writing so much but i had to get help and a word of motivation, it has been really difficult 4 me cuz food was my life before. thank u guys 4 replying if u do, i would reallly appreciate any tips, encouragement, and whether u think i will be succesful. 😀
A: Cardio should be at least 30 minutes before you get into fat-burning modeWeigh yourself ONCE a day, as weight does fluctuateit will be a month before you see any tangible results
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