What is a raw food diet

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The raw food diet is based on unprocessed/uncooked plant foods like fruit, veggies, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans & seaweed. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-raw-food-diet ]
More Answers to “What is a raw food diet
When only raw living food is eaten. The idea being that living food provides the most nutritional benefit. Sprouting almonds and sprouting alphafa are eaten. This diet would not include the meats, instead it is vegetarian.
The raw food diet is an eating plan that contains unprocessed, uncooked, and unheated foods that have never gone above 116 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. The theory of the diet is that cooking foods takes many of the nutrients and enzym…
The fundamental principle behind raw foodism, also sometimes called rawism, is that plant foods in their most natural state – uncooked and unprocessed – are also the most wholesome for the body. The raw food diet is a lifestyle choice. It i…

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Is anyone familiar with “healthy powder” for cats as part of a raw food diet?
Q: I am planning to switch my cats to a raw food diet. one of my cats has severe allergies (32 of them to be exact). I have done some extensive reading about the raw diet and it says to add healthy power to each meal. There are many ingredients in this mixture, one of which is yeast. My cat is allergic to yeast so I cannot include this in the mixture. Is there something else I can use that has the same nutritional value? Or is it ok to simply omit it from the recipe without causing any kind of nutritional deficiency?
A: Check out: http://www.felineinstincts.com I use that supplement powder and salmon oil with my cats raw meat and have done so for eight years. There is no yeast in it.
What are the benefits of a raw food diet? Does it work? If you have experienced this, what are the pros/cons?
Q: Raw foods are supposed to cure type II diabetes naturally in 30 days according to the documentary, “Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 days.” and RDNmovement.com, Who has direct experience with this program. I am considering a raw diet.
A: The raw food diet is how we were meant to eat, the best raw food diet is one with mostly fruit and some veggies, most veggies aren’t fit for human consumption, have you ever been attracted to eating a raw veggie without seasoning, etc? There are only a handful of veggies that we can consider human food, and some can be considered fruit(romaine lettuce, iceberg lettuce, celery, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado and bell peppers(all colors except green which are unripe)).Beyond that I highly recommend lots of fresh air and sunshine and abandonment of pharmaceuticals, creams, soaps, cigarettes, etc(assuming you don’t absolutely need them, I don’t know you and the raw food diet may lead to you saying good-bye to these products). I wash in just water and brush my teeth with just my brush and water.If you live like this you can say good-bye to 99% of all disease including cancer, diabetes, etc, and never have to worry about them again.Edit: Read the book 80/10/10 and check out this website – http://www.rawschool.com/basics.htmEdit #2: If you go raw, watch out for someone named David Wolfe, he’s a con artist and his main goal is to sell his “superfoods.”
On a raw food diet can you eat as much as you want?
Q: According to David Wolfe, a raw food specialist, you cannot over eat on a raw food diet. His claim is that because of the form as well as types of food you will eat, naturally you will regulate yourself. In my experience I find this to be true. In fact I feel satiated more than I ever did as an omnivore, vegetarian & or vegan.Bill, in this instance, no.Cecil J. Tal…, I think you do not understand what a raw food diet is. Sarcasm is often a defense mechanism used by people to ridicule what they do not understand.iltmaemc, the question implies without harmful consequence.Stephanie S, right on, I agree.Tall-angel, and that I will, but in a manner that best for myself, and the world.schenzy, thank you for your support and the links you have provided. Blessings : )AndyB, I challenge you to try it and see. When I eat raw I truly feel so full I eat suprising less than when I eat a non raw food diet.beth inside, raw does not mean not heated, just not above 119 degree.
A: I agree. One of the points of the raw food diet is that cooked food is actually toxic to the body, so the body builds up a thick layer mucus in the intestinal tract to protect itself. This layer only allows a tiny fraction of foot nutrients through. When you go on a raw food diet, this layer eventually disappears and the body can absorb as much as 30 % of food as pure nutrients, so the body needs a TINY FRACTION of the food it once did. And thusly, raw food people are much more aware of how full they are and over eating is not even an issue anymore. Good luck on your journey. Here are some links I will recommend.http://www.rawfamily.comhttp://www.oraganic.comhttp://www.eatraw.comhttp://www.rawfoods.comhttp://www.rawfood.comhttp://nov55.com/hea/food.html
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