What is a ribeye

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A rib-eye (noun) is the large piece of meat that lies along the outer side of the rib (as of a steer); also known as Scotch Fillet [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-ribeye ]
More Answers to “What is a ribeye
How to Cook Ribeye Steak
・ 1 Prep and heat up the grill. Turn the grill to medium-high heat. ・ 2 Season the steak with salt and pepper. ・ 3 Set the meat on the hottest part of the grill first. Sear the steak on each side for just 2 minutes. ・ 4 Move it to the coole…
What is Ribeye Steak?
Ribeye is a steak cut from the rib section of the steer. When it is roasted in its whole sub primal state it is known as “Prime Rib”. When it is cut into steaks it is known as a Delmonico steak or a rib eye. Cooking ribeye steaks is very si…
What is a Delmonico Ribeye?
Steak was originally introduced to the menu around 1850. There seem to be quite a few people that disagree to exactly what this first cut was. Over the years, eight different cuts have come to be known as a Delmonico steak. Some people insi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can I add a ribeye bone to slow cook stew?
Q: I removed the bone from a ribeye steak last night and kept it thinking it might be good in a beef stew tomorrow night with some cubed meat of course, and I would obviously remove it after. It has lots of meat on it, would it add some flavour? Is this “allowed”?This is not for stock, by the way. It’ll be a slow cooked stew with vegetables, etc, then eaten. I guess it doesn’t make any difference though, right?
A: Of course you can – cooked or uncooked no problem. Pull the meat off after you yank it and plunk them back into the stew. Great idea. I freeze cooked marrow bones all the time. Great for soup and stew.
Trying to cook a ribeye roast in the oven?
Q: I have a 5.6 pound ribeye roast. I need to know the best way to cook it in the oven for a med.- rare. Temp. & How long to cook it?Do I put foil on before cooking or after?
A: Is it bone in or boneless? I love prime rib! It’s VERY important to have the roast at room temp before cooking it (for your size roast at least an hour!)- you’ll find it cooks much more evenly this way! I like to start mine in a hot oven to sear in the juices a bit…Have your oven preheated to 450F. Place the roast (ribs down or fat side up) in a heavy roasting pan. Sear the rib roast for 15 minutes at the higher oven temperature (450°F), then turn the oven to 325° F for the rest of the cooking time…probably a total of around an hour and a half for your size roast to get to medium rare. This is where an instant read or probe thermometer is essential – that’s the best way to assure you won’t over cook your roast! I take mine out at 135 – remember it’s going to keep cooking a bit when it comes out of the oven, and any more than that is going to take it to medium. Tent with foil when it’s done, and let sit for 15 minutes before carving. I like to rub mine with a bit of olive oil and crushed garlic before roasting, but this is a cut that doesn’t need much fussing – the flavor comes from the great cut of meat, and cooking it to perfection!Enjoy!EDIT: Don’t roast it covered with a lid or aluminum foil – you want the outside to brown while it’s cooking. Tent loosely with foil once you remove it from the oven to help keep it warm while it’s resting.
How long should I grill a 1 pound ribeye for medium rare?
Q: I bought a ribeye earlier today that’s just a hair over a pound and almost an inch thick. I’m gonna be grilling it on high heat on my indoor George Forman grill. It’s the round grill that’s on a stand and actually LOOKS like a grill. ;)I want medium to medium rare so I’m thinking maybe 2 & 1/2 minutes per side? Does that sound about right?
A: I cook mine 4 mins per-side for med rare 2 -21/2 might be more rare than you would like.
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