What is in coffee that makes you short

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is in coffee that makes you short”,you can compare them.

The caffeine is a diuretic and causes calcium to be leached out of bones and excreted which might lead to developmental problems. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-in-coffee-that-makes-you-short ]
More Answers to “What is in coffee that makes you short
Is it true coffee makes you short!
Well, listen, coffee doesn’t SHRINK you. But the caffeine in he coffee which makes you hyper and speeds up your heart rate, CAN stop your growth. It can reduce the speed of growth. The reason why you’re short must be right in front of you: …
Can Coffee Really Make You Short?
Coffee does not make you short, stunt your growth, or anything like that. As long as you get enough calcium then it won’t affect you in the long run like one guy states. Anybody saying that coffee makes you short ot keeps you from growing, …
Does coffee make you short?
Europeans drink more (as well as stronger) coffee than Americans & they average 3-6″ taller than us. If it stunted growth, they would be shorter than us. It’s a myth, along with it causing diabetes (it helps reduce the chances of i…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Whats in coffee that makes you short?
A: You’ve got to be kidding. Your really asking a question like this.
Is it true coffee makes you short!?
Q: No wonder I am only 5’0 and 13! 🙁
A: Well, listen, coffee doesn’t SHRINK you. But the caffeine in he coffee which makes you hyper and speeds up your heart rate, CAN stop your growth. It can reduce the speed of growth. The reason why you’re short must be right in front of you: genetics. Your parents are probably not the tallest people, am I right? Or someone in your family is very petite. Also, you’re only 13 years of age, hun. 😉 You’ve got time to grow. Girls generally grow around this time, so chin up. Don’t exceed 2 cups of coffee per day and try not to have many drinks with caffeine in it. You’re a little young and I know coffee is delicious but it causes tooth stains and makes them yellow and, hey, if height is a worry for you, don’t slow the speed at which you’re growing, or risk it. Okay? :)I hope I helped! Happy Holidays! 🙂
does coffee make yu short?
Q: i been told `n heard dhat 2 much coffee can make yu short. is this true?
A: yes.
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