What is medifast

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Medifast is an amazing weight-loss product. Developed by a physician, it’s been recommended by more than 15,000 doctors since 1980. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-medifast ]
More Answers to “What is medifast
During the first week or so on the program, some people experience diarrhea from the body’s adjustment to the concentration of nutrients in the supplements. This will usually subside after a few days. Using too much sugar-free gum or mints …
More and more overweight people are looking to diet plans to help them shed unwanted pounds and return to a healthy weight. The normal process of eating less and exercising more can seem too slow…
Medifast is a portion controlled, nutritionally balanced, low fat and clinically proven program that helps people lose weight faster and more effectively than traditional diet plans. Medifast Meals come in individual packets that you mix wi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I am thinking about starting the medifast diet. I gained the freshman 15 while I was away at college, and have also packed on more sense going through a split with a long time boyfriend. I’m thinking about doing the 2 week trial run to see… But how does the food taste? Do you really stay full? Also, when you get shipments, do they say medifast diet on the box?Thanks!
A: The shakes are okay…nothing great…but edible.I do believe that medifast is stamped all over the box…no secrecy possible! :-)Good luck!
How easy is it to transition from Medifast into maintenance?
Q: I have been using Medifast for 6 months and have lost a significant amount of weight. I am getting tired of eating just Medifast food and want some fruit, nuts and grains, and pasta. Do I really need to follow the maintenance plan or can I just begin to eat sensibly?
A: I’m not sure what their maintenance plan consists of. You need to eat lean proteins, fruits and veggies and drink plenty of water. Avoid processed foods. I hope you’re doing some form of cardio everyday. If you are not you are setting yourself up for a real struggle in keeping the weight off. Good luck!
Does Medifast work if you are not extremely overweight?
Q: I’m considering doing the medifast diet, but am afraid that since I’m only slighty overweight (about 165 pounds and 5’8), it won’t yield much result. I’m not exactly at a healthy weight, and would like to get in better shape.. but is medifast (combined with exercise) the right plan for me?
A: I am truly considering the Medifast diet as well (AGAIN). I was on it a year ago and I lost about 10 lbs the first two weeks. Now I was only 30lbs overweight so it did work just much slower. I’m 5’2 and weighed 150lbs I went down to 134lbs. Due to a me having a thyroid condition I gain the weight back, but now that I’m on meds so I’m losing weight again. I think in conjunction with Medifast it maybe a success. Good luck and I hear ebay is really good with offering cheaper Medifast products.
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