What is the best diet to go on if you are trying to tone up muscle

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The primal blueprint is the best diet you can go on, and it’s one of the few diets that allows for weight loss and muscle gain at the same time because it has so much protein [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-diet-to-go-on-if-you-are-trying-to-tone-up-muscle ]
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What is the best diet to go on if you are trying to tone up muscl…?
The primal blueprint is the best diet you can go on, and it’s one of the few diets that allows for weight loss and muscle gain at the same time because it has so much protein

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Explain what this article means…The only thing i dont understand is the “diet holiday” please read!?
Q: Rules to Follow – teenage diet planThe teenage weight loss plan makes it clear what to do:Follow Height/Weight Charts to Help Set Goals and Monitor Weight LossEat a Balanced DietLose Weight Mostly by Burning Extra Calories…Which Means Exercise!Go to Bed at the same time and Sleep 6-8 Hours Every NightDrink More WaterRules Not to Break – teenage diet planThe teenage weight loss plan clearly outlines things that can ruin your dieting efforts:Never Lose More Than 2 Pounds per WeekNever Lose Weight by Eating Fewer Calories without ExercisingNever Limit or Completely Avoid Eating any Food GroupSay No to Fast Foods (at least most of the time say no)Don’t Fast or Skip Meals — The Best Way to Lose Weight is to Eat 5-6 Meals EverydayDon’t Let Emotions Drive You to EatThe Simple Steps – teenage diet planThere are only four steps to complete when on the teenage weight loss plan:ExerciseThis is in addition to any physical activity you do during school. You need to combine some form of aerobic exercises with resistance training. This is the best thing for growing bodies. Your muscles will become tone and “tight.” The more tone your muscles are the more you can control your weight and prevent weight gain. Here are some examples:Walk with wrist and ankle weights 4-5 times per week for 45 minutes. Walk up hills as your conditioning improves.Aerobic class with wrist and ankle weights 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minutes.Swimming organized laps 4-5 times per week.Circuit Training with Resistance Bands.Supervised strength building routine using free weights and machines followed by 1-2 mile jogs, 3-4 times per week.Eat a Balanced Diet and Slowly Reduce CaloriesReduce your calories by 5% of your normal caloric intake for two weeks. Then reduce your calories by 10% for one week. End with a 15% reduction in your daily calories for one week. That’s a total of 4 weeks of a reduced calorie diet. Continue exercising and monitor your weight loss. Never lose more than 2 pounds per week. Add calories back to your diet as needed to stay below 2 pounds of weight loss per week. Never try a low Carb diet, low Fat diet, or any diet that severely limits one food group.Go on a Diet HolidayEvery 5th week of dieting, when you’re trying to lose weight, stop the calorie reduction and start eating the amount you normally would, but following a more balanced diet. Continue exercising during the Diet Holiday. Do this for one week and then restart the 4 week calorie reduction plan. Like before, start by reducing your calories by 5% of your normal intake for two weeks, followed by 10% for one week, and then ending with the maximum reduction of 15% for one week. Now repeat the Diet Holiday again.Follow the Diet CycleIn case you didn’t notice, it’s a diet cycle that you’re following. You gradually reduce your calories from 5% to 15% of your normal intake over 4 weeks and then start a one week Diet Holiday. Repeat the process until you reach your ideal weight.That’s it! And, yes, it’s that simple. Tone (and maybe build) your muscles, slowly reduce your calories over 4 weeks eating a balanced diet, and end the cycle with a one week Diet Holiday (but keep exercising).How can i do this? explain what it means? i lost 30lbs since end of december early jan..and i dontknow if that was healthy or did i lose like 20lbs of fat and 10lbs of muscle????How can i correct my mistake now? following this?Please explain diet holiday only thing i didnt get thanks!
A: Diet holiday is stopping with the excess diet that you are doing. Just eat normally but balanced. Every food group etc. A diet holiday is when you go off the diet for a week or two, but continue to eat balanced meal, not going out for fast food etc. Basically it is practice for when you really go off the diet. You will have to learn to eat a balanced diet without all the calorie counting and obsessing about what you are doing. It has to become a way of life, and that is what the holiday is.
College student who wants to lose weight and tone up?
Q: Hi everyone. I’m hoping that someone can help me…Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I’m 21 years old, and a senior in college. I’m 5’2 and on average, weigh about 125 lbs. Since high school, I’d say I’ve gained about 10 pounds (mostly in the stomach and back area). I know this isn’t a substantial amount of weight, but take into consideration that since HS I lost a lot of muscle and accumulated a lot of fat. I know that I am not overweight; but my self-confidence is lower than ever, and I don’t feel comfortable in my own clothes anymore.Being in college, I tend to eat out a lot because it’s quick and easy– and I’m trying to cut back on that. (And by eat out I don’t mean pricey resturants, but rather places like Quiznos, Panera, pizza, and fast food..and when I eat out it normally comes with a soda). When I do eat at home its normally eggs, chicken, a ham or turkey sandwich, or a frozen dinner. I’m somewhat of a picky eater (I like to keep it simple), but I get so tired of eating the same things that I result to eating out. I need a diet that works for ME. PS- I know this is something I need to learn how to control, but I have a tendancey to overeat, eat more when I’m bored, or get the “munchies” and not care what or how much I consume.I have free access to a gym. When I go, I run the tredmill or use the elliptical for about 20 minutes, get exhausted, say I’ll work harder next time (and usually don’t), and then go home. Knowing that I didn’t have a good, full workout.I understand that a lot of this has to do with motivation and persistence. If I wasn’t completely ready to start this new journey, I would not be here asking for advice and guidance.If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. I just wanted to give as much information as possible in order to receive the best answers possible. (I’m looking for some positive feedback, so if you think you can help, I would be more than interested to hear all you have to say. However, If you’re going to post negative comments about my story, I’d appriciate if you’d keep your comments to yourself.)Thank you,I look forward to your responses.
A: well first of all you havent gained too much weight since high school just 3 pounds per year, most gain 15 to 20 alone during their freshman year. Second you need to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day and eliminate soda, pizza, and quizons. Ive been personal training for years and one thing i do recommend is to quickly eliminate sodas. they have a whopping 150 calories for every 12 oz. And I also recommend visiting http://www.squidoo.com/toptipstoloseweightfast, this site is only for people who are serious and are ready to learn what to do, how to do, and when to do it. My clients absolutely love this site and its the best ive found around. good luck and never ever give up!!
Where can i get a lot of protein throughout the day for muscle?
Q: right now im trying to get toned and i heard that you need a lot of protein each day but i don’t know where to get all that protein. Here is what i mainly eat:Breakfast:Fiber One Bran Cereal(1/2 cup) skim milk(1 cup) and a handful of blueberries.snack:applelunch:(1 can)tuna in water,salad,green beans and carrots,and some ham or turkeysnack:another fuit or fruit smoothiepre-workout:100% Whey gold standard protein(1 scoop) with half water and half skim milk to make 1/2 a cup with some blueberries.post-workout:100% whey protein gold standard with water(1/2 cup) and a banana with some blueberries.I workout every day (i split up my routine with upper body one day and lower body the other.) with HIIT or cardio right after. Does doing my cardio right after my resistance training use muscle for energy?How much cardio should i do each day or each other day to lose fat and keep muscle.For example can i do this routine?Monday: HIIT or cardio(45-60 high intensity)Tuesday:upper body(resistance training) with 20-30 min of HIIT or cardio(High Intensity)Wednesday::HIIT(30 minutes) or Regular cardio(45-60 min High intensity)Thursday:Lower Body with HIIT or cardio (20-30 min) High intensityFriday:Upper body with HIIT or cardio(30-45 min High Intensity)Saturday:Lower body with HIIT or cardio (30-45 min High Intensity)Sunday: RestThe reason I just want to do only cardio on monday and wednesday is because i have martial arts for 1 hour from 7:00-8:00 pm and then if i do resistance with cardio I’ll end up finishing around 10:00 PM and then I do my homework which i finish around 11:00 or 12:00 and I have to wake up at 6:00 AM for school and i only get a few hours of sleep. Before i go to martial arts i get out from school at 4:00 and g to my Aunt’s house(4:40 PM) to eat and then i get back to my house and do chores and change. SO IS THIS A GOOD ROUTINE,SHOULD I ADD ANYTHING TO MY DIET OR WORKOUT. SHOULD I BUY PROTEIN BARS FOR SNACKS AND IF SO WHICH ONE IS THE BEST THAT WILL GIVE ME MUSCLE AND NOT FAT AND NOT SUGARS AND HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP. IT WOULD BE A GREAT HELP AND THX!!BTW im 14 years of age.
A: Dude! that’s an awful big question(s) LOL. well as far as the protein goes, try and stick with a quality chemical free whey like http://www.buybulkwhey.com/Your routine looks fine for getting lean and tone. don’t expect to put on muscle mass unless you focus more on heavy weight training, more calories and lest cardio… but if overall condition and tone and 6 pack abs are what you are after, then you are on the right track!!!
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