What is the best way for me to loose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way for me to loose weight”,you can compare them.

The key to weight loss is to eat less calories and exercise more. Keep doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-for-me-to-loose-weight ]
More Answers to “What is the best way for me to loose weight
If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored ar…
you dont need to loose weight. but firstly dont think about having to cut out food, especially certain foods other wise you will end up binging on them. you should eat what you want but in moderation. eat small portions and drink alot of wa…
If you are 12, you shouldnt be worried about your weight. Even if you are a little heavy, its not anything for you to really worry about at such a young age. Kids change so much before 18… you change activities, you get taller, etc. And a…

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What is the best way to loose weight?
Q: What worked for you? I have a treadmill ad would like to start running, but is it really that good for you? I want to drop seven lbs, what do I need to do?
A: eat healthy, like fruit and veggies and seven lbs is not that much so maybe do 30 stomach crunches a day and run on a tread mean once a day for around 30-40 minutes
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A: Try body scuplting exercises on youtube for your thighs. Also try a low GI diet, do not I repeat DO NOT starve yourself like so many models do. Google sample low GI diets. They work for me.
what can i do to loose weight even though i dance everyday for hours?
Q: i decided that i need to lose weight if i wanted to be a dancerim 135,which is the limit for a danceri dance every day 1:15-5:15 which is defiantly alot of exercise.i eat oatmeal for breakfastturkey sandwich on wheat bread for lunch with carrots & some fruitvegetables for dinner..then i snack on stuff in the house :xwhat are some things or helpful tips i can follow in order to loose weighti know im an okay size but if i want to dance i HAVE to loose weight so any weight loss tips?
A: You are doing good by dancing, make sure you are sweating, sweating a lot.Try reducing carbs, dont eat fast food never ever never never.try not to eat a lot of dairy products (I wanna gain weight I eat them) Exercise is the best to lose weight, diets make your body go to “survival mode” like saving food for winter? like the animals? well losing more than 5 pounds per month can end up in gaining more weight later, because, your body knows you are not eating a lot, so, the body gets the food you eat and turn it right into fat, because he knows that he will starve if he doesnt.
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