What is the best way to build a calf muscle

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There are many exercises that target the calf muscle, including Donkey Calf Raises, Walking Lunges, Jump Squats and Step-Ups. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-build-a-calf-muscle ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to build a calf muscle
What is the best way to build calf muscles
When I was working out regularly, I used to use the nautilus leg press. I would set it on the highest weight setting (about 600lbs.) then use my tip toes to push the thing up and down like you would if you were going up and down on your tip…
What is the best way to build up calf muscle while cycling??
Why do you want bigger calf muscles ? It is predominately the muscles of the thigh which contribute to making you a stronger cyclist, muscle is heavy, unless you are a pure short distance sprinter you can do without the extra weight ! In an…
What is the best way to build big calve muscles?
running sprints and long distance will help. Also, try doing wall-sits and leg lifts to help build muscle mass =) Good luck!

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What is the best way to build up calf muscle while cycling?
Q: I’m 16 years old and addicted to cycling. My calves are pretty big but I want to know how to make them bigger? Maybe going uphill more or what?
A: Why do you want bigger calf muscles ? It is predominately the muscles of the thigh which contribute to making you a stronger cyclist, muscle is heavy, unless you are a pure short distance sprinter you can do without the extra weight !In any case, if you do a lot of cycling you will develop normallywhatever natural musculature type that you are, and it could be that, no matter how hard you try, you may never have much larger calfs than those you already have at age 16.
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Q: I have skinny legs and want to build up my calf muscles but I dont have money to go to the gym. Any suggestions?
A: Line dancing will work – it did for me or you could get a stand with just the balls of your feet on a stair step – rise up on your toes and then relax the calf muscles to allow your heels to go below the step. Repeat, repeat , repeat. This too will work. Also, when sitting write your abc’s in the air with your big toe, cursive or print doesnt matter – right then left. do this each day it uses all the muscles in the ankle and a lot of them in the legs – before you know it you will be pleased with the changes. (I am a dance teacher)
I wanna build muscle in my calves and wanna know the best way to do this!?
Q: I have been thinking of buying leg weights and running with them and just wearing them all day to build up my calf muscles as i want bigger calf’s to jump higher for basketball!Anyone who can advise me is the dogs danglys!
A: Cycle everywhere, in fact stop going out or doing anything you enjoy and take up cycling, turn it into an obsession because those guys have the best calf muscles! There you go, problem sorted, no need to thank me.
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