What is the best way to control hunger

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to control hunger”,you can compare them.

The best way to control hunger is to be sure you’re eating small, nutritious meals on a frequent basis, and drink plenty of water! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-control-hunger ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to control hunger
What is the best way to control hunger during a diet?
You should fill up on low calories veggies and fruit inbetween meals.the more water packed they are the better.Good options are celery,carrots,and even grapefruit.They tend to have more fiber in them too,so you will feel full longer.Don’t d…
Can anyone tell me a good way to control your hunger??
Try fiber. Dissolving a tablespoon of Metamucil or psyllium husk in a glass of water will not only give your body essential fiber but will create a sense of fullness in about 15 minutes.
Is sugar free hard candy a good way to control the hunger pangs o…?
If you’re hungry between meals (as you should be, since you should eat every 2 to 3 hours), have a handful of almonds and an apple. The protein and good fats in the almonds will make you feel full and provide your body with some necessary n…

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Whats the best way to control hunger cravings?
Q: Im trying to loose weight before june and im doing a pretty good job by working out and eating healthy foods. I lost about 25 pounds so far. But the thing is i start getting these hunger cravings and start to eat stuff i don’t know. So im asking whats the best way to control hunger cravings?
A: I don’t know if this will work for you, but it does for me. I have found that peeling(cause I don’t like it cut up) and then eating a red grapefruit makes me not want to eat ANYTHING after . I suppose it could be the unique taste of the grapefruit that does it. I like red over white because I think red grapefruit is sweeter than white, but that could just be a taste preference. When you get your hunger cravings, see if they are more for sweet or salty. It could just be that your body is requiring something that it needs more of. Keeping those bottles of water w/ those handy(and tasty) bottle flavor additives also helps. I’m a big tea & coffee drinker, so when I’m hungry but don’t really know what I want, sometimes I make a huge cup of tea and wait til after I’m done with that. Sucking on hard candy or chewing gum just doesn’t do it for me.My problem is that I can go through a whole sleeve of salty saltines. Good Luck. Guard Dog
what is the best way to control hunger during a diet?
Q: im on a low calorie diet and have been drinking a lot of water and would like to know what else i can do to control hunger?
A: You should fill up on low calories veggies and fruit inbetween meals.the more water packed they are the better.Good options are celery,carrots,and even grapefruit.They tend to have more fiber in them too,so you will feel full longer.Don’t deprive your self of food,eat when you are hungry so your metabolism keeps going, to burn fat.Start meals with a salad or a serving of broccoli,a whole cup is less than 50 calories,and fills you up good.Lean protein,like an egg in the morning gives you hunger control longer than a bagel would for breakfast.
whats the best way to control your hunger?
Q: i’m 5’6 123 lbs and i want to lose 10 pounds but i get soo hungry..whats the best way to control your appetite?after i go to the gym i become even hungrier..thats why i hate working out
A: Look up “Negative Calorie Foods” (those are foods that make your body burn more calories than are actually in the food), you can eat as much of those as you want and not gain any weight. Eat those foods and only drink water and you will lose a lot of weight. I lost 15 lbs in two weeks b4 my wedding by doing this.
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