What is the best way to lose 20 lb

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to lose 20 lb”,you can compare them.

Best way to lose 20 lbs: 7 steps for weight loss success: Step 1: Make a commitment to weight loss at the very beginning. Step 2: Prove your commitment by creating a weight loss journal. Step 3: Begin walking 20-30 minutes a day. Step 4:Add MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-lose-20-lb ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to lose 20 lb
What is the best way to lose about 20 lbs?
I was 5’3 and 143 pounds and I have managed to lose 23 pounds in three months. I exercised three times per week by running on the treadmill and lifting weights for an hour or two per day. Also, I have tried to eat 1800 calories per day and …
What’s the best way to lose 20 lbs fast?
There are easier techniques to reduce weight apart from dieting and exercise. You can have a diet supplement that rinses out the insides, you will reduce up to 20 lbs like this – and the weight reduces in the desired places aswell! There is…
What is the best way to lose 20 lbs. in a month?
There are definitely ways to lose 20 in one month… but all body systems and metabolisms differ, of course. Some people stop eating sugars and processed foods, drink a lot of water and exercise like crazy. Others have the luxury of getting…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

ok best way to lose 20 lb in 12 weeks?
Q: im 13 and i weigh 9st 8 im really obese and i really want to lose weight for the summer as im going on hoilday and i want to wear shorts and bikinis at the moment im unfortable wearing these things and i want to change i have around 12 weeks to lose 20lb to get to my ideal weight but i keep caving into the bad foods what foods will keep me full and what sports are best to do
A: 9st 8 seems to be fine for a 13 year old and 20 pounds is loads to loose for a young teenager. But just eat healthier, cut down on those junk foods and eat more fruit and veg, For the exercise, try to walk to school, bike and walk for a while for gentle exercise, maybe join clubs at school like netball or something that you enjoy with your friends.
What would be the best way to lose 20 lb.s by august 16?
A: how weird I’m wanting to lose 30 pounds by august 19, that’s when my college classes start, I’m guessing school is why your wanting to lose weight too. anyway I’m eating 500 to 1000 cals a day and doing 10 minutes of cardio and 10 minutes of strength exercising a day. and walking for 20 minutes a day. It’s hard but I’m seeing results. As i get closer to my goal weight i am adding calories to my diet, it hasn’t made me gain any weight, this isn’t healthy so don’t do this for very long.
How long does it take to lose 20 lb if you run everyday?
Q: Because I need to lose 20 lb for soccer,to get faster, and to look good.
A: It all depends on how fast you want it. I lost 42 in just about four months I ran everyday for an hour and your diet of course got to watch what you eat get rid off pop, sweets, fast foods, candy I know It might sound a little hard for you but it worked for me, if you want it that bad you can do it. never give up If I did you can do it remember this NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE good luck PS if you’re hungry there’s always subway,fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, nothing canned.
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