What is the best way to relieve constipation

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To help ease constipation, try using a fiber supplement, such as oat bran, Metamucil, Konsyl or Citrucel. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-relieve-constipation ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to relieve constipation
What is the best way to relieve constipation?
take a laxitive, avoid cheese, drink lots of fluid, exercise, and eat alot of grains and protein
Why do you get constipated?
Constipation. Constipation refers to infrequent or hard stools, or difficulty passing stools.
When the best ways to resolve constipation are?
By taking laxatives either over the counter or by prescription. Another method which is rumoured to unblock the bowels is to eat the raw heart of a cabbage, although this is also rumoured to cause an extremely unpleasant, although effective…

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Q: Wife just had a hysterectomy and is constipated from pain killers. She needs relief that won’t cause cramping. Enema maybe ?
A: Hi ict39Narcotic pain killers are known to cause constipation, probably, in part, because they reduce motility of the bowel.A gentle approach would be to try some Vitamin C (which softens) and magnesium citrate (which encourages peristalsis). Often these nutrients, which naturally work together, are deficient, so they might help in other ways, including healing from the surgery itself.Here are some links that I hope will help with how much to take.Good luck!
what is the best way to relieve constipation and the stomach aches that you get from it?
Q: please, help me, i’m in so much pain and i desperatly need help. i don’t know what do do. i’ve had it for 3 days now. i started pooping a little but it still feels like there’s still stuff in there and i’m getting these random stomach aches
A: Hi Some of the simple home remedies areGinger tea stimulates bowel motility.Add oatmeal to various soups.Eat figs soaked in warm water.You might get much more tips and remedies from this articlehttp://www.indiastudychannel.com/resources/59096-Constipation.aspxThanksDevi.
Best way to relieve constipation?
Q: I am on a medication which makes me very constipated, and I’m feeling very bloated and having abdominal pain because of it. I don’t want to stop the medication because it’s working, but what is the best way to deal with the constipation? I’ve already tried prunes, and I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables already.
A: some things that have helped me:unadulterated alove vera juicelots of orange juicesome strong coffee/500ml bottle of coca cola (this only seemed to work if I hadn’t had something caffeinated for quite a while and I wouldn’t recommend taking a lot of caffiene regularly)2 tablespoons of molasses2 tablespoons of natural honey5 or 6 dried figs1 cup of raw oats with milk (make sure you have plenty to drink with this)I would not recommend taking laxatives for anymore than a few days at a time as it can seriously mess up your digestive system, as it did mine. Now I stick to natural remedies… there are plenty out there.If your constipation is serious I would advise you to seek medical advice.
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