What is the number 1 diet plan

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There is only one weight loss plan that consistently works for the majority of the population: diet and exercise. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-number-1-diet-plan ]
More Answers to “What is the number 1 diet plan
What is the largest number of pounds lost in one diet/exercise pl…?
your progress is truly amazing! congrats! i lost 25 lbs a couple years ago- it seems like forever ago, with a basic restrictive diet. i did keep it off and now i’m ready to lose more. i still exercise and eat only 1000 cals a day.
Is there any diet plan for husband as well to increses the number…?
Hello Yousaf, I am unaware of the fact that an being more alkaline will produce male children however I can give a few notes regarding foods and supplements that can help you maintain alkalinity and help you stay healthy (and fertile). Keep…

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Diet and workout for getting my body ripped for baseball season?
Q: Im 5’6, 170 lbs. I go to the gym 6 days a week and play baseball 4 times a week. I also started boxing heavybags 2 days ago. I am very muscular, 46 inch chest, 16 inch arms and im 15 years old. Can anyone tell me a new workout and diet which will help me lose some of my fats and get my muscles to look really ripped instead of bulky? But i Dont want to just look good, I want to run fast and be number 1!My current diet planmorning- 3 bananas (6 30 am)Recess in school-Rice and meat(beef and/or chicken) 9 30 amlunch- rice and meat 12 30 pmdinner meat and vegetables 7 pmDoes this look like a good diet plan? What should I change?Also, what should I do to not look bulky and look more atheltic and ripped? THANKS!
A: if you want to get ripped for a sport then go play football. baseball you don’t need huge mussels you need strength in your arms and legs. do a lot of running
does the acai berry diet work?
Q: Okay, so i just ordered acai berry with my husband’s credit card. It’s 3.95 or something so its a good deal. I have three questions about the diet plan:1. Is it dangerous? Swallowing diet pills sounds scary to me, has anyone out there tried it before?2. How old do you have to be to try it?3. What is the scam? Do I have to call a certain number so i don’t pay for any more bottles?Thanks for the help! Greatly appreciated!
A: I am not sure what you are expecting to get from Acai. It appears to be a great antioxidant. Some people claim it gives them more energy or that it boosts the immune system, etc. It is a fruit that is unlikely to have any danger, but it is a waste of money for weight loss. The acai berry craze is filled with scams, especially on the internet. I would be very cautious about ordering free trials of acai. Do a search for “Acai Berry Scams” on google. I am speaking from personal experience. I ordered a free trial of Acai Berry Power 500. On my next credit card, I noticed an extra charge of $29.95 from that acai company. I called them and they said I had agreed to a personal nutrition consultation for $29.95. To make a long story short, I had to threaten them with a lawsuit before they refunded that extra charge.I also ordered Acai Berry Supreme. A few weeks later, I got another bottle in the mail, even though I never asked for it. I left the shipping box unopened and wrote on it: Return to Sender. Do Not Charge My Credit Card for This Product. Then I put the item back in a mailbox. I am worried about what my next credit card will say. I’ve heard of people being charged $89 for the next shipment.One important final note: Usually on the very bottom of the website about the free trial, there is “Terms and Conditions” in tiny type. Click on that, and you will see info that you will be shipped more bottles unless you cancel in 15 days.
Good diet plan? (10Pointz)?
Q: READ BEFORE YOU READNumber 1: I dont want any links to any crappy cleansing shiz which are so obvious advertisers,if you dare sugest crapy cleansin shiz I will hunt you down and shove the crapy cleansing shiz down you mouth.Thankyou =] Read on…Okay Elloo.So …B: Cornflakes and Milk Sweetened coffeeL: Jacket potato with tuna AppleD: Salad Glass of water Drinking = 8-10 glasses of water a dayExcersise= Stretches,walking,step aerobics
A: There are several key things that make a “good diet plan.” First off, you can lose weight as long as you’re eating properly–don’t listen to all these fad diets, don’t eat any carbs, just eat cabbage soup, blah blah blah. All of that is garbage, and while it may work for some people, it’s not as healthy as a well-balanced diet. As far as eating goes, two things to watch for are balance and portion size. I recommend that you have four-six small meals a day rather than just Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. You can designate the meals in between as snacks, but you should still be trying to eat healthily there and cover multiple food groups. Another important thing that many people do not realize is breakfast should be your biggest meal, so personally I don’t think a bowl of cornflakes will cut it. I usually have some sort of carb/fiber (usually a cereal that’s heavy on fiber or oatmeal) with some milk, some fruit or veggies, and some sort of egg. You can mix the veggies in with the eggs to make an omlette and have the cereal on the side.Some good snacks to cover multiple food groups are: -Whole wheat crackers and low-fat cheese-Apples with peanut butterAlso, snack on veggies like carrots, string beans, celery, anything! If you eat 5 smaller meals a day, you may be eating the same amount of calories, but your metabolism will be higher and your weight loss will kick in a little more quickly! Hope this helps!
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