What is the vitamin called that grows your hair

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the vitamin called that grows your hair”,you can compare them.

Beta-carotene is essential to hair growth. It’s converted to vitamin A as the body needs it, promoting healthy skin, hair & nails. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-vitamin-called-that-grows-your-hair ]
More Answers to “What is the vitamin called that grows your hair
What are the vitamins called that help make your hair grow faster…?
Hair typically grows 1/3 of an inch every month no matter what but if you take good care of your hair you can grow up to an inch a month. I suggest taking hair, skin, and nail vitamins, available at any drug store or wal-mart. Things to loo…
What is the vitamin called that makes your hair grow faster??
I don’t know if you’re looking for a specific kind of vitamin, but any prenatal vitamins will make your hair and nails grow, and your skin looks great, too. Whatever cocktail of vitamins are in those things work like a charm! I think you ca…

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What is the vitamin called that makes your hair grow faster?
Q: Okay, so I went to get my hair cut and my mom asked my hair lady how to get her hair to grow faster because she got it cut too short, she said some kind of vitamin that you get at like Ulta or something, and then I got home and my hair was WAY to short but my mom can’t remember what it was called, please help I don’t want to wait!!
A: I don’t know if you’re looking for a specific kind of vitamin, but any prenatal vitamins will make your hair and nails grow, and your skin looks great, too. Whatever cocktail of vitamins are in those things work like a charm! I think you can get them at any drugstore.
what are the vitamins called that help make your hair grow faster/more healthy?
Q: what are the vitamins called that help make your hairgrow faster/more healthy,do they have side affects?how much $$ are they?and where in australia new south wales canyou purchase them?
A: Hair typically grows 1/3 of an inch every month no matter what but if you take good care of your hair you can grow up to an inch a month.I suggest taking hair, skin, and nail vitamins, available at any drug store or wal-mart. Things to look for are vitamin B complex, vitamin E, and biotin (vitamin b7). Eat healthy and get plenty of protein and dark green vegetables. Hair is mainly composed of protein. Eggs contain a ton of protein. Also foods containing “gelatin” are good for your hair such as yogurt and jello. Google “hair growth foods” for ideas. Also try daily scalp massages using your fingertips to stimulate hair growth, it gets blood flowing in your scalp and feels great. Avoid frying your hair at all costs. Get plenty of sleep and excercise, especially cardiovascular excercises like running. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and stress. A good conditioner is also important. Sunsilk is amazing and cheap, the kind I am currently using contains jojoba oil wich is AMAZING. Any sunsilk product is amazing and cheap.If you have fried hair, do not dye it anymore and try hot oil treatments, and do not use shampoo every day. I leave contitioner in for about 5 minutes before washing it out to keep mine looking healthy. If you have split ends get them trimmed to avoid it getting worse.
What are the vitamins called that make your hair grow?
Q: Also; name where I can get it.Thank you!even if it already has your answer that you were going to say;STILL PUT YOUR ANSWER DOWN.I want to know everythinggg i can!& also, if my hair is less than half way down to my tata’s how long would it take for it to actually be on my tata’s? (:
A: Biotin & prenatal pills. Go to any nutrition shop like GNCI think it would take around 4-5 months since your hair normally grows around half an inch every month, but it depends on your genes. If you want your hair to grow faster, try to stay away from heat products or at least use a heat protectant. Keep your hair as healthy as possible and condition. (:
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