What should a good diet consist of

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What should a good diet consist of”,you can compare them.

A good diet should consist of plenty of protein and fiber, which can be obtained through low-fat meat and fruits and vegetables. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-a-good-diet-consist-of ]
More Answers to “What should a good diet consist of
What does a good diet consist of ?
Eating an idealistic diet, with everything you need in the amounts we’re supposed to have. For example, we need some vegetables and fruits everyday. Fish a couple of times a week, and white meat. Lean red meat once a week. The right quantit…
What does a good vegetarian diet consist of?
Eating a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods. A traditional way of getting a balanced diet has been to eat a certain number of portions from certain food groups, as defined by the US Department of Agriculture. The five basic …
Is a diet consisted mainly of soup good for you?
vegetables can provide some roughage in a diet but not unless cooked properly ( most soups in tins etc are overcooked) soup on its own will suffice for short periods as we are able to use energy from almost any food to sustain our bodies. B…

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Q: For a 5 year old Pembroke welsh corgi who’s in relatively good health… What kind of human-grade quality dog food do you like for your dog? What about incorporating bits and pieces of cooked chicken, raw carrot, some cheese into his diet? Anything else I could add? How much of the human food should I give him? and what about treats for training/rewards? Thanks alot, I know its a lot of questions but I’m trying to do as much research as I possibly can!
A: I feed my dog Taste of the Wild, which is grain free. He does great on it, I noticed today how shiney his coat is and how bright his eyes are. Grain free is the best way to go, because grains (corn, wheat, rice) are not a natural part of a dog’s diet. Other grain free foods include Before Grain, Core Wellness, Instinct, and Innova Evo. Blue Buffalo, Innova, Wellness, California Naturals, Merrick, and Fromm make great premium foods. Dogs should not be fed “freely”, with a bowl on the floor all day. Their meals should be broken up over two scheduled feedings a day. Measuring out their food is the best way to keep your dog at a healthy weight.When you are feeding a high quality food, I see no need to supplement with human food. If you do want to add human food, carrots and cooked chicken are great, but not in large amounts. You should subtract how much extra you are feeding them from their normal amount of dry kibble.This site is my bible: http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/
what should a good diet consist of to keep a woman healthy?
Q: how much– protein, carbs, cholesterol, and fat should be in an average womans diet? and how do you make a diet more heart-healthier?thanks!
A: http://www.allayurveda.com/dietp.htm go through the planning diet part, should help you.
I am wanting to run a 5k and want to know of a good rule of thumb of what my diet should consist?
Q: are there certain foods i should be eating daily or avoiding??? the 5k is in about a month and i am really just getting back into running
A: Eat to recover. Do not eat because you exercised. Eat what you already do, then slowly integrate an energy bar after the run or a bit more protein in the evening. Not a lot needs to change other than stay away from sugar!!! It will kill your exercise regime.
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