What should I put into a protein shake

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Blend it with ice cream and milk for a shake. Just add milk for a drink on the go. Blend with fruit and milk for a smoothie. Stir into oatmeal. Mix with water (not recommended). Mix with peanut butter and milk for the ultimate treat! ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-put-into-a-protein-shake ]
More Answers to “What should I put into a protein shake
What to put in protein shakes?
The ice cream is probably why it tastes so good. It is my friends recipe so i just copied him. And my dads friend was once a professional bodybuilder and he told me that i have to cook the egg whites or they will line your stomach with bact…
Should i put one banana in my protein shake?
Yes, that’s actually great to do, not only does it sweeten your protein shake, you are also getting all of the healthy benefits that are in the banana. It won’t ruin your diet. A small banana is only 72 calories.
Can you recommend a protein shake or some kind of supplement to h…?
16oz of milk, 2 scoops of whey protein, 2 tbsp of penut butter, 1 banana, and 1 raw egg. Dont worry about the raw egg, you wont taste it all. Works like a charm

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some tasty ingriedients to put into a protein shake?
Q: Alright I have this black container with the word WHEY on it and it has vanilla flavored powder that makes a vanilla protein shake. So naturally it tastes bad and I’m wondering what are some good things (fruits, chocolate and peanut butter,etc) to put into a vanilla protein shakei heard frozen berries are goodif you could list the brand and the thing tht it contains tht would b nice =Dgimme some chocolate protein shake ideas aswell tht would b appreciated
A: I have so far tried both Brad King’s Vanilla Whey Protein and Brad King’s Chocolate Whey Protein.Personally I like to mix this in a blender: about 1.5 cups of milk (15 g of protein)2 scoops of whey protein (26 g)1 banana (no g of P, but very healthy)2 ice cubes (to keep it cold like a milkshake)2 nesquik teaspoons of chocolate powderI LOVE its taste and it is packed with protein.
What do you put into your protein shake?
Q: I am speaking of fruits, liquids, ice or anything unusual? I am trying to gain a little muscle tone.
A: you may laugh, but I add cooked pasta to my shake, as well as othe ingredients. Here is the list of ingredients: crushed flax100 gramsalmonds1 ouncebanana2 medium frozen or freshmixed berries2 cups frozen100% frozen orange100 grams (1/3 can)yogourt250 gramsiso whey protein120 gramswhole wheat pasta90grams6 cups of water2 tablespoons of brewers yeastDirections: The above makes little over 4 liters. If you’re doing this quantity, you will need to blend in two batches.Soak the almonds in water overnight.Add two cups of water and blend the almonds the next day. Add the berries, yogurt, orange and banana. Blend. Pour in separate container.Now add 1 cup of water, add the cooked pasta (don’t add salt or anything to your pasta, just plain). Blend until creamy. Add rest of the water. Add the crushed flax. Blend some more. Slow the blender speed and add your protein and brewers yeast. Blend a bit more.Pour onto the first batch. Mix using a serving spoon. Pour back in blender and blend quickly before bottling. Refrigerate (overnight preferably).This is an awesome shake. It provides many of the nutrients you need. Aside from this I pack 3 cut apples in a bag and i have that along with my shakes at work. I take 1 bottle right after my morning workout. The rest i take during the day. I drink 3 to 4 liters of water and I have fruits and gazpacho or other vegetable type meals during the day (normally at end of day).By end of day , you’ve pretty much got all the nutruition you need. I’ve lost 35 lbs and gained muscle mass a way I have never experienced before. I’m not a nutritionist, but I have done this myself and been on it for almost a year and I feel great. I hope this helps somebody.
is it ok to make whey protein shake, put in bottle, and use it for later workouts that same day?
Q: hey everyone. i have a gym in my school where i go in the morning but after lifting i cant go back home to make a protein shake. so i was wondering if its good to make a protein shake with whey protein, put that into like a bottle to bring around, and then drink it later like 2 hours after i made it. would that be ok?cant find the comment post anywhere, im new on this. but anyways, thank you for the answer, yes i know where i can find a cooler at school. once again thanks.once again another edit. i like that idea about putting it in a bag. i could do that. i wake up around 7;30, and go to school around 9:15, finish at 10:50 weight training than straight to brunch. my friends teacher who’s my friend has a cooler but i can always bring a bottle and put water in it once im done. thanks again for these ideas i wish i could have thought of that haha.
A: Buy a thermos. The thermos will keep it cool and you can drink the shake out of it.
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