What types of Foods are rich in Protein

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What types of Foods are rich in Protein”,you can compare them.

The best sources protein are beef, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, nuts, seeds, and legumes like black beans and lentils. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-types-of-foods-are-rich-in-protein ]
More Answers to “What types of Foods are rich in Protein
What foods have high protein?
all meats and peanut butter, nuts, beans are all good sources of protein. peanut butter and nuts are also high in fat so be careful with consumption of those. Lettuce and spinach have lots of fiber and as far as fruit i think apples are the…
Why Eat Protein-Rich Foods?
Full-fat dairy products (whole milk, yogurt, cheese), poultry skin, and many cuts of meat are high in saturated fat and cholesterol . Saturated fat raises blood cholesterol. A high level of cholesterol in the blood is a major risk factor fo…
Is this food to rich in protein?
I have to admit i was completely ignorant about what to look for in a good pet food. I was listening to a talk radio show with a pet food specialist and after learning from what she said i immediately switched Jake’s food. We used to feed h…

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A: Here’s the general answer: The most dietarily “complete” protein you can eat would be from consuming other humans because it would have the correct (i.e., human) mix of amino acids. But if you don’t want to do that, your next best choice is to eat protein that is as closely related phylogenetically to man as you will allow yourself to get (typically, proteins that you can get from your butcher or fishmonger), as the mix of amino acids will be reasonably close (but not spot on). The farther away you get on the phylogenetic tree from man (e.g., plants), the more of a variety of proteins you should eat in order to be assured of getting an adequate supply of what are called “essential” amino acids as well as all the others.
protein help?
Q: what type of food are rich in protein that dont make u gain weight??? wat about foods rich in carbs and sugar????do fruits contain calories??? and if fruits do have calories so y do people say eat alot of fruits and vegetables when ur on a diet, dont calories help u gain weight???pleasee help
A: Tuna is good. Chunk light in water is the cheapest and healthiest. Steak is always good. Sirloin is a nice lean cut. Chicken breast is also good source of healthy protein Whey protein can be helpful in getting up your protein intake, and the good ones taste like chocolate milk. All fruits and veggies have calories, but they have lots of other good things too. Search protein intake on the web and you’ll find lots of good info on the amount you should be getting per day, and the best sources.
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