When can a baby start eating baby food

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Most babies are ready for solid foods around 6 months. They have good control of their heads and lose that tongue thrusting reflex [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-can-a-baby-start-eating-baby-food ]
More Answers to “When can a baby start eating baby food
When can a baby start eating baby food?
My pediatrician said to start them on a little solid food, thin baby cereal, when they start looking around for something after the breast or the bottle, like they haven’t had enough. This happened at around four months. After a little whil…
Is it too early for my four month old to start eating baby food,t…?
It’s better to wait until 6 months to start any kind of solids. Starting earlier than six months has no benefits, but there are risks, such as higher incidence of allergies, choking, and even diabetes and obesity later in life.
When do infants start eating jar baby food?
Preferably never. All mammals are protected by the same thing -they can’t physically eat food until they are physiologically ready to digest it. For humans this means picking up the food, placing it in their mouth, gumming it, moving it bac…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

when do babies start eating baby food?
Q: On average, what month do infants stop breastfeeding or eating formula and are able to start eating baby food?
A: nurse for at least one year…. rice baby food at 6 months
when does a baby start eating baby food?
Q: so when does a baby start eating baby food and stop drinking formula
A: Rice cereal starts around 5-6 months. Most doctors recommend 6 months however there are babies that are ready earlier. Baby food starts around 6 months as well however typically you wait until the baby is comfortable with rice cereal first then slowly introduce different types of baby foods. Drinking formula – depends. Young babies often continue with breastfeeding or formula along with rice cereal and baby food until around a year. You shouldn’t drop breastfeeding or formula just because your baby has started on baby foods. Also, when an infant first starts rice cereal they don’t swallow much at first. It takes them some time to get used to it and to start actually eating it.
when did your baby start eating real food?
Q: my daughter is 8 months old everyone keeps telling me to feed her beans and food that i eat. when did you start giving your baby food that you eat. right now i’m just giving my baby the baby jar food. isn’t that enough?
A: The day he started eating solids. We skipped the pureed mush/cereal all together.*edit* teeth have nothing to do with a baby’s abililty to chew. Besides if that were the case babies would be eating mush until 2 since they don’t have all thier teeth until then. Most babies get their front teeth first and I have yet to hear of any human that chews with thier front teeth. Gums are strong and work just as well for chewing, they just take a bit longer.
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