Which are healthier saturated or unsaturated fats

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Which are healthier saturated or unsaturated fats”,you can compare them.

Unsaturated fats are the healthier of the 2 fats. Overindulgence in either is just as dangerous though. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-are-healthier-saturated-or-unsaturated-fats ]
More Answers to “Which are healthier saturated or unsaturated fats
Are saturated fats healthier than unsaturated fats?
Not according to mainstream medical opinion, although there are some on the fringe (e.g. Dr Mercola) who insist that saturated fats, being more stable, are healthier than polyunsaturated fats like sunflower or corn oil. According to them, t…
Which are supposed to be healthier for humans to consume, saturat…?
Unsaturated fats are healthier for humans to consume. Your body needs more unsaturated fats than saturated, but your body does need some (in moderation) saturated fats. Also, avoid trans fats all together..you need 0g of trans fat.
Does anyone know whether the fat in an Avocado is healthy-unsatur…?
It’s monosaturated fat, but it’s healthy and it somehow reduces the levels of bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol in the body.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Chemically, why are unsaturated fats healthier than saturated fats?
Q: Sturated fats are formed by a carboxyl head attached to a string of carbons. If all of the carbons are bound by two hydrogens (3 on the tip), it is considered to be saturated. Saturated = completely filled. If there is at least 1 double bond between two carbons, the shape of the chain changes, and since there are now two carbons not bonded to two hydrogens, it is no longetr saturated w/ hydrogens– it is unsaturated. Double bonds are harder to break that single bonds. Why is it then that unsturated and polyunsaturated fats are healithier, even though they contain bonds that are harder to break? Shouldn’t the saturated fats be easier to break apart?
A: The thing is that a cis touble bond (the kind where the two carbons are on the same side of the bond) creates a sort of a kink in the carbon chain. In saturated fats, there are no double bonds, so the carbon chain is more or less a straight line, but in unsaturated fats, the carbon chain is bent in one or more location. The straight molecules of the saturated fat can pile up into stacks with all the molecules lined up parallel to each other. Unsaturated fats, on the other hand, can’t do this. Think about a bendy straw. In the box, they can be packed together into a tight solid, but as soon as you bend the part at the top they can’t be packed together nearly as neatly or closely.Saturated fats are less healthy not because they can’t be broken down as easily, but because they are better able to form a tightly packed solids, so they tend to have higher melting points, and are therefore more likely to form solid masses in your arteries and elsewhere. Unsaturated fats tend to be liquids, so they don’t clog things up as much.Incidentally, in trans fats, the carbon atoms around the double bond are arranged across from each other so that the carbon chain is straight, like in saturated fats, so they behave similarly to saturated fats, which is why they are so much worse for you than naturally occuring unsaturated fats.
which are healthier, saturated or unsaturated fats?
A: no fats.
Which is healthier: Saturated or Unsaturated fats? Why?
A: Unsaturated is far better, it helps to keep your circulatory system less clogged up, but if you smoke, then it won’t make a lot of difference because smoking is worse!
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