Which is more effective for losing weight walking or jogging

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is more effective for losing weight walking or jogging”,you can compare them.

Jogging burns more calories, but walking has a greater percentage of people that stick to it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-more-effective-for-losing-weight-walking-or-jogging ]
More Answers to “Which is more effective for losing weight walking or jogging
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Whats more effective with losing weight, jogging or power walking?
Q: I was wondering, because personally i feel like , more of a burn when im power walking. I was wondering what you guys think (:
A: Power walking is much better for you on your joints, jugging does burn more calories because your heart rate is going quicker.If you like to power walk I say go for that, you like it and you feel that burn as you said. That’s what makes you feel good 🙂
I heard that walking is actually more effective in losing weight that jogging. Is that true?
Q: I plan on walking or jogging a set distance every day, probably between 4 to 5 miles. Should I jog or walk it, or should I do a combination?Thanks all.
A: It all depends on your fitness level.The best fat burning exercising is doing low cardio for a long time, because after the first 20 to 30 minutes, your body runs out of sugar (glycogen) and starts using your fat reserves.Covering 4 or 5 miles would definitely qualify for a long time. You could walk 4 miles slowly (or uphill) for 1h30 (at 2.66mph) if you’re out of shape, overweight or old, or you could walk faster in 1h20 (3mph) if you’re just out-of-shape (not overweight or old), or you could walk faster in 1h15 (3.50mph) if you’re getting in shape (like after one or two months of exercising), or you could be jogging if you’re in shape or running if you’re in great shape.The point is…all those people…from the out-of-shape person walking slowly to the one in great shape running will be at the same level of intensity and will do the same effort. Also, people with the same weight will use the same number of calories per miles, but of course, the faster you will go, the faster you will burn those calories per miles (so fit people only need one hour to burn the same calories that unfit people would burn in 1h30).You see some people jogging along and they have to jog because walking for them would be less than nothing. Some of them are not even breaking a sweat or breathing harder and they’re trying to find hills to challenge them. And then you see out of shape people, just walking and huffing and puffing…doing more effort than the jogging people.So your question about walking versus jogging is just about fitness level.Walking is like jogging for some people.My advice is for you to just do one to two hours of low cardio…whatever you’re doing…walking, jogging, running, bicycling, dancing…Low intensity cardio means 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate which is the number 220 minus your age. Like if you’re 20 years old…220 – 20 = 200 x 60% = 120 hpm (heart beat per minute), and x 70% = 140 hpm. So your fat burning target zone would be 120 hpm to 140 hpm.Or just be sure you get in a place where you need to breath harder but not get out of breath…and you sweat some.If you jog, be sure you’re in shape because it could translate to high cardio for you if you go over the 70% intensity. Then you would burn less percentage of fat overall but still a lot of calories.You could also walk uphill and jog downhill in order to maintain a steady intensity (use a heart monitor so you don’t have to guess), or jog just long enough to get out of breath and then walk while recovering under stress which really tricks your body into thinking you’re jogging all the time…but this is more for your heart training than fat loss.Losing weight is not just about jogging or running and how many hours you can do every day…it’s about eating healthy so you do not get hungry and not too much (at least your BMR) and using your fat reserve while you’re exercising and building muscle mass doing strength/weight training (therefore gaining muscle mass, so ignore the scale for a while) so your metabolism will get higher and it’s also about warming up, cooling down and stretching before, during and after.Edit: wear very good shoes if you jog on asphalt. And only run if you live near the ocean and can do it in the sand…otherwise, running hurt your body too much (spine, knees…).
is jogging more effective than walking to lose weight?
A: Jogging is effective but also more damaging to the joints in the long run and there is a higher risk of sprains and strains. It is just as effective and less traumatic to the joints to power walk or walk briskly. If you are young, choose the one you are most comfortable doing.
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