Why are some amino acids called essential amino acids

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Chemistry .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are some amino acids called essential amino acids”,you can compare them.

Your body can’t make all of the amino acids that it needs to function.The 9 it can’t are called essential,and must come from food. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-some-amino-acids-called-essential-amino-acids ]
More Answers to “Why are some amino acids called essential amino acids
Why 8 essential amino acid called essential?
There are a number of characteristics that make something “essential” not just the fact that it is needed by the body, although that is the first. The second is that it must only be available from the diet, ie it must not be somet…
Why arginine is called an essential amino acid?
argenine is converted to ornithine in your body and it stimulates your anterior pituitary gland into producing growth hormone. If you’re lifting weights, this could help you gain 10 pounds of muscle each month.

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why arginine is called an essential amino acid?
Q: arginine is produced in urea cycle. so, why it is called an essential amino acid? isnt essential amino acids are those which are not produced in the body and have to be taken from diet?
A: argenine is converted to ornithine in your body and it stimulates your anterior pituitary gland into producing growth hormone. If you’re lifting weights, this could help you gain 10 pounds of muscle each month.
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Q: Apparently there are 8 amino acids that the human cannot produce. I am wondering what they are called since I was recently studying it in biotechnology.
A: An essential amino acid or indispensable amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized de novo by the organism (usually referring to humans), and therefore must be supplied in the diet.There are 8 essential amino acids for adults that must be supplied with the diet: Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine. Two others, Arginine and Histidine are in addition essential in the first year of life. hope its sufficient..
Certain amino acids are called essential because they _____.?
Q: cannot be made from other amino acids (we are unable to synthesize them ourselves) are required for making protein are required for making nucleic acids store energy
A: yeah- the fist one, we can’t synthesise 8 out of 20 amino acids to make the proteins our body can’t live without
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