Why are too many carbs bad for you

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Carbs and carbs alone, not fat, increase body weight. It doesn’t matter whether the carbs are from sugar, bread, fruit, or vegetables: They’re all rapidly digested and quickly converted to blood glucose. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-too-many-carbs-bad-for-you ]
More Answers to “Why are too many carbs bad for you
Is eating too many carbs bad?
Eating too many of anything is bad. The best way for you to tell how a food impacts you is gauge how you feel after you eat it. We all have a different metabolic type. Some people are protein types, some are carb types and some are mixed. I…
Are carbs really that bad..do I eat too many??
Not at all. The carbohydrates in most fruit and most vegetables are not fattening. Starchy carbohydrates such as bread, cereals, pasta, rice, nuts, potatoes and sweet potatoes are supposed to be fattening.

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why are carbs bad or too many carbs?
Q: I exercise every night, I run from 9 to 10 PM at night, and whatever I eat I usually just check the calorie amount.Recently, people told me to “watch the carbs” because too many are bad, exactly how are they bad or why are too many bad for you? do they make you fatter when trying to lose weight?tonight, I had 2 slices of pizza, I was looking up online how pizza can affect you and people say “it’s bad because it is loaded with carbs” what does that mean?I’ve lost 60 pounds and I’m still going, but I just wanna know why too many carbs are bad and what they are or do to the body. Please explain, thanks!
A: Carbs are used for energy and when you eat to much of them the carbs arent burned up for energy and then they are stored as fat. Watch the carb intake as well as sugar.
Is bread the reason why I’m gaining weight?
Q: I gained like 5 pounds in a 3 week period.During Health class in school I would never pay much attention especially in the diet unit.I knew carbs were bad for you if you had too many, but I had no clue so much of it was in bread…..Since summer started I ate alot of sandwiches and all these different kinds of breads from the bakery because all I had to do was cut a slice off and eat it….Could this be the reason why?I thought it was weird because I was running, swimming and doing cardio and stuff daily….
A: I’m not sure as you sound like a very active person but I do know that white carbs go straight to the belly, you would be best off to cut down on the amount of bread you eat (if its really a lot) and switch to a wholemeal version (doesnt have to be the nasty seeded gettin stuck in your teeth kind lol) Brown carbs are definately the best !
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Q: Reposted from420hussy.blogspot.com.Life’s a struggle. It shouldn’t always have to be. I’m not setting out to change the world; I’m not trying to change government policy, though it would be nice. I’m propelled to shed light where I believe light needs to be shed. These are the facts of my mind.The air is undulating again. Transparent shades of dust cycle before my blinking eyes. Light beams glare off the plastic rims of my glasses. Taking them off and putting on them on as I attempt to make sense of today’s headlines in my Google Reader. They say air is invisible but I can feel it curve around me, slowly inhaling and exhaling carpet fibers. How do I feel? How do I not know how I feel? Am I supposed to feel like this? My head hurts just a tiny bit – yet with movement, a slight dizziness. There’s a lump within my throat, a regurgitating feeling shooting up from my gut. I’m always burping something up (or wish I could). An indescribable nausea that’s never bad enough to demand serious medical attention, yet impairs me enough to demand my constant attention.But I’m not worried. It happens everyday.I’ve searched and scoured online, read books, and spent many visits in doctor’s offices. Blood tests and consultations. Nothing ever concrete. Perhaps its just a bad stomach acid? I get that from my father. And anxiety? My mother. I grew up hearing my OCD mother count letters in names and doing small tasks a specific number of times. As I witnessed this, I promised to myself that I would not let the OCD get through to me. As a result, I believed I developed a social anxiety. (I’m not anti-social; it’s just hard for me to make new friends.) I never have near the amount of caffeine the average coworker ingests. Never ever coffee. Yuck.Is it an anxiety disorder that I could easily overcome? I saw a therapist with a comb-over. He took my company’s insurance. I believe it helped me (no more panic attacks) but the nausea just didn’t go away. The doctors keep telling me there is nothing to be concerned about. I suppose it was nice to hear that I’m healthy. Extremely nice. So that means I’m supposed to deal with nauseous headaches for the rest of my life?Medication made it all worse. I even stopped using pill-form birth control so as not to disturb my stomach’s delicate balance. Psychoactive drugs tie my stomach in more knots. Not to mention becoming a total bitch. The Xanex I was prescribed is addictive so I’m afraid to take too much, plus she won’t keep prescribing it. It does nothing for the nausea but certainly calms down my naturally wired self. I tried all the natural and over-the-counter remedies, too: Ginger, peppermint tea, fish oils, meditation, and antacids. They all worked somewhat but the stomach issues persist.I would also eat a lot. Always bread and crackers and chips in attempt to calm my stomach. Anything with carbs, a rather atypical diet. I’ve even changed my eating habits beyond that. Very little refined sugars (for the headaches), nothing spicy, very little caffeine (I may have tea or a piece of chocolate), and very little fried/greasy (I love fried foods, so I won’t cut them out completely).There is one thing that works. And it works so well. I actually stopped eating as much because it absolutely cures my stomach as quickly as I intake. It surprisingly takes away the dizziness; no longer do feel the air move as I stare into its blank abyss. I can focus! I can read! I can be as productive as a 50’s housewife or Kamikaze pilot on speed. Too bad it’s only partially legal in ten states. And don’t even think of healthcare covering it.Many people refuse to believe me; just because cannabis makes them dizzy and hungry, why would it take mine away? How does speed (amphetamines) help those with ADD to actually calm down and focus? Its a chemical reaction that no amount of perceived logic will help those understand who do not wish to. Cannabis completely and absolutely helps me to be the productive woman I was raised to be. And want to be. Too bad I can’t take my medication at work. I’d be a much more effective employee.I can’t tell most of my family members, even less of my coworkers, and must be hush, hush about what I say online. I can’t casually mention it on the street. And to any strong conservative, I’m just a no-good druggie pothead.
A: druggy for smoking grass??? hahahaha just enjoy another beer and be a hypocrite.i dont smoke it myself by the way but the fact were having this debate about it being used for medical purposes shows how backward the drug policy is.
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