WHY do humans eat

Health related question in topics Biology Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “WHY do humans eat”,you can compare them.

There are two big reasons: building blocks and fuel. The building blocks are protein, which is hard to grow without. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-humans-eat ]
More Answers to “WHY do humans eat
Do humans eat spiders when they sleep?
No, that’s a myth. Think about it logically – why would a spider crawl into the mouth of an animal hundreds of times larger than itself? Not a good survival strategy! Even if it didn’t realize the hole in front of it was a mouth, it woul…
Do Killer Whales Eat Humans?
They shouldn’t if they have. Killer whales eat seals. If you happen to be in freezing water and on a surf board or something that may resemble a seal from under water, they may attack but again only because they think you are something else…
Should humans eat meat?
look at ur teeth once in the mirror HERBIVOROUS have plain and blunt teeth so they are made to eat grass. CARNIVOROUS have sharp teeth to tear the meat. OMNIVOROUS have both sharp and blunt teeth. So they eat both vegetarian and non vegetar…

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Why is it wrong to eat humans?
Q: When its ok to animals.. Why are humans more entitled tol life if both lives must be equally as important to the one living it, and neither should be important to me right? because im just a selfish human, and ive always got along with animals better anyways. So why can’t i eat people?
A: You can. I ate my wife just this morning, and she thanked me for it.Long Live Jambi
Why do some people get upset at humans that eat meat?
Q: Predators like lions, sharks, etc. eat meat.Why do they fuss about humans who do the same?Wow! Thanks for all of your great answers. I have also seen the videos of animals in the slaughterhouses and it brings me to tears every time. I still have a hard time eating meat – especially when I see “raw” meat before it is cooked. I’ve also tried becoming a vegetarian but I don’t understand how to make it tasty. (If any of you have tips please e-mail me) Thanks again!
A: Some people do not like abuse, torture, murder, cruelty to anything than can be subject to it (i.e humans/animals), especially if unnecessary. Also some people don’t like things making the environment extremely worse and contributing to global warming. (i.e production of meat). Some people may want others to be aware of the harmful affects all meat does to the human body (i.e causes diseases, health problems, etc). Some people do world hunger and the vast amount of people starving & suffering all over the world do to certain things that humans do (i.e the production and consumption of meat).So, I presume that is why some people get upset at humans that eat meat.”Predators like lions, sharks, etc. eat meat. Why do they fuss about humans who do the same?”I presume because humans do not need to eat animals for survival, and it is difficult for humans to process meat, because we were more anatomically made herbivores. The way humans produce and manufacture animals in present time is far from the way the predators do; it causes so much suffering and unimaginable pain, it destroys our environment and causes world hunger. And humans can’t eat the animal like the predators do, with just are hands and teeth, because we weren’t designed that way. As well we won’t be able to digest & process the raw meat.But, of course there are other reasons, as well as many people unfortunely don’t care.May I point out that certain animals also eat their children, rape each other, and abuse each other, does that mean it should be okay for human animals to do the same?Bottom it is absolutely completely unnecessary, and harmful in every way for meat production and consumption. Harmful to the animals, to our bodies, to the environment, to our loved ones, to our planet.
Why is it okay to eat humans than to eat your dog?
Q: Would you eat a human or your dog?Can’t anwser my question with another question.why is it wrong?If you were in a middle of nowhere, would you eat a dog?
A: I would starve to death first
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