Why do people pick on other people

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do people pick on other people”,you can compare them.

There are many causes for bullying, such as to look tough, get attention, make others afraid, or to overcome jealousy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-people-pick-on-other-people ]
More Answers to “Why do people pick on other people
People pick on other people in all types off ways, Weather your the big guy picking on the little guy. Or the smart guy picking on the not so smart guy. Or the pretty Girl picking on the not so pretty. Or the Rich guy picking on the poor gu…
Since the process of selecting residents of Kane County is random, some people may be selected more than others.
A computer program randomly selects names from the master jury file to summons potential jurors. Since that process is random, some people may be selected more than others.

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Why Do People Pick on Other People About Their Weight?
Q: I’m a little curious because the skinny people pick on the over weight people just cause they don’t look the same?!
A: Woah there, don’t forget about the average/overweight ones that pick on the skinny ones calling them anorexic.
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Q: I mean all those who did not return to pick up people drowing should have put in trial ! so inhumane, where they brits ??? so egoisticial creautres and arrogant, was that a conspiracy for insuracne??/ i suppoase !!
A: Because the people in the water would have swamped the boats coming back because it was so cold.
Why do people pick on Christians so much more than those of other religions?
Q: I don’t seem to understand why Christians seem to be the focus of much religious intolerance. To me, it seems as though the rule is “Tolerance for everyone-except Christians.”
A: Cowards like to pick on soft targets.Just to note we have a holocaust denying Nazi out here. Jimmy, should read up http://www.holocaustforgotten.com/Lucaire.htmand as for dizzy det who calls Christians liars when actually this MU SLIME, is permitted al taqiya that is lying to unbelievers by his rotten, filthy, pig shyte religion.We should be aware of this fact to never trust them as they are all liars, thugs, pedophiles, plunderers,rapists,mass murderers just like their prophet was.
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