Why don’t people eat turkey eggs

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why don’t people eat turkey eggs”,you can compare them.

Turkey eggs, although edible, are used primarily for reproduction. They are too large for most people to eat or bake with. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-don%27t-people-eat-turkey-eggs ]
More Answers to “Why don’t people eat turkey eggs
How come people don’t eat turkey eggs?
turkey eggs are rarely used for eating and cooking for two main reasons. The first is that they are too valuable for human consumption. The turkey hen is larger and requires more time to come into egg production than the chicken hen. Also, …
Why do people eat chicken eggs, but not turkey eggs??
They’re not much different as far as flavor is concerned but a normal sized turkey egg is about 4 times the volume of a chicken egg. They’re size alone makes them awkward to store in the fridge egg compartment as well as being too big for a…
Is there a reason why people don’t eat turkey eggs?
They can be eaten but are more likely to be used to hatch more turkey’s. From a production point of view Turkey’s eat far more than chickens and produce less eggs so a costly exercise if supplying eggs to eat. You may sometimes see them for…
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