Will yoga help me lose weight

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Will yoga help me lose weight”,you can compare them.

Practicing any type of yoga will build strength, but some types may not raise your heart rate enough to make them the only MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/will-yoga-help-me-lose-weight ]
More Answers to “Will yoga help me lose weight
yes it’ll help you lose wight, tone your body and make u feel better too 🙂
Doing yoga regularly can make you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, tone your muscles, reduce stress, and improve your mental and physical well-being. But will it help you lose weight? Practicing any t…
Yoga works in a number of ways. First, the exercises help you burn calories. Second, they tone your muscles and improve your posture so you make the best of what you have. Third, perhaps most important, they orient you towards healthy livin…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will taking spin class and yoga each twice a week help me lose weight?
Q: I am trying to lose weight by new years, and I’ve started taking Spin classes twice a week and yoga twice a week. My schedule is pretty full and it is hard to add anymore to it. Will this be enough to get me in decent shape by new years?
A: It might work… if you make sure to eat a healthy diet too. There are a lot of other factors to consider. How much weight do you have/want/need to lose? How hard are you exercising (trust me I taught spinning for 10 years, not everyone works hard)? What type of yoga are you doing?I would consider trying to make your lifestyle as active as possible. (Take the stairs, walk when you can, perform exercises while you watch tv.) Every bit counts.
Will doing yoga for 30 minutes a day help me lose weight?
Q: I’m aiming at losing 10-15 pounds. Will yoga help me lose weight? How long should I do it every day?
A: Depends on what kind of yoga you do. I would recommend flow yoga for weight loss because it’s more of a cardio workout. The show Namaste Yoga on Fit TV is a good example of flow yoga, Sun salutations in general should be helpful. If you just do 15-30 minutes each morning and night, that will probably help.Even if doing yoga doesn’t make the weight fall off quickly, it’s still a good idea because it will tone and lengthen you, which will help you look thinner. It’d be good to combine yoga w/ running or something like that.
How much will weight will i lose doing yoga?
Q: Okie so i want to lose some weight. Im actually pretty skinny but ive gained like 5 pounds nd i feel like a cow lol so i want to lose some weight before july 30th nd ive been doing yoga for 45 minutes and i’m planning on running starting tomarrow for like 30 minutes. How much will i lose ? I am 115 lbs. nd 5’4 if that helps
A: Hm, depeneding on how much you eat, you’ll prob lose 5-8 lbs? That is, if you run everyday. Keep up the good work! –I support you. :]
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