Can dentists prescribe medicine

Health related question in topics Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Can dentists prescribe medicine”,you can compare them.

Yes! There are a number of different drugs your dentist may prescribe, depending on your condition. Some medications are prescribed to fight certain oral diseases, to prevent or treat infections, or to control pain and relieve anxiety. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can dentists prescribe medicine
Can dentists prescribe medicine
Yes! There are a number of different drugs your dentist may prescribe, depending on your condition. Some medications are prescribed to fight certain oral diseases, to prevent or treat infections, or to control pain and relieve anxiety. ChaC…
Why would a dentist continue to prescribe medicine of which a pat…?
There are several possible reasons. The one good reason is that he possibly knows some thing that you do not know, and he believes the medicines will still work. If you are sure the medicines are not working and will not work, there are a f…
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Q: I have been prescribed Ampicillin, Penicillin VK, Amoxicillin and Cephalexin. None of these medicines has created improvement in the status of my teeth. Any help that you can give me, would be most appreciated.
A: There are several possible reasons. The one good reason is that he possibly knows some thing that you do not know, and he believes the medicines will still work. If you are sure the medicines are not working and will not work, there are a few reasons he may still be prescribing them. He may simply be a creature of habit, and does the same thing until absolutely proven wrong. It is possible that he is not keeping up with the needs and conditions of individual patients. He may perscribe your medicine because it works for many other people, but he has not yet figured out that it it is not working for you. He may be relying on promotional material from a drug sales rep, and not relly checking out the results himself. I think you should talk to friends, co-workers, church members etc about their recommendations for a good, thorough dentist. If you have dental insurance, you could even call the insurance company. You may have to find a highly recommended dentist and make a switch.
can a dds prescribe narcotic pain meds?
Q: I am seeing a normal dentist for a broken tooth. I know that he will refer me to a oral surgeon. can the normal family dentist prescribe pain medicine so I dont have to wait in pain for an appt at surgeon?? thanks.ben affleck was the bomb in phantoms yo.thank you for the answers.
A: Yes, absolutely… It is done all the time.
Can A Diabetic dovtor prescribe pain medicine?
Q: I am going to see my diabetic doctor tomorrow. I work 40 hours a week and help watch my niece on my only day off. It is VERY hard for me to get time to see a doctor. I have the worst toothache, it causes headaches and no sleep. But it will be a few weeks before i can schedule time to get it checked out. Can my doctor prescribe me pain killers to help me until I get to see a dentist?I guess you guys are right. I am in pain, I was just hoping he’d help me out with something . I figured its more important to take care of my diabetes than a back ache. It wasnt as bad, but now it sucks.
A: No. Not for a toothache. Think about it this way. What if you were at the dentist and you asked them to prescribe you some insulin or glucophage because it was hard for you to get to your internist/endocrinologist? You have to make time for the dentist.
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