Can marfan syndrome be cured

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The connective tissue disorder Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disease,so no cure,but some effective treatments are available.ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can marfan syndrome be cured
Can marfan syndrome be cured
The connective tissue disorder Marfan Syndrome is a genetic disease,so no cure,but some effective treatments are available.ChaCha!
Is There a Cure for Marfan Syndrome?
Many people ask, “Is there a cure for Marfan syndrome ?” According to research scientists, there is no cure for Marfan syndrome. In order to develop a cure, scientists need to identify and change the specific gene that is respons…
What is the treatment for Marfan syndrome?
Individuals who have Marfan syndrome are treated by a multidisciplinary medical team that includes a geneticist, cardiologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist and cardiothoracic surgeon. Eye problems are generally treated with eyeglasses. When…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it any positive treatment on marfan’s syndrome available in india ?can u suggest any hospital name ?
Q: my daughter of 11 months ,suffering from marfans syndrome,her hight is same as 2 year baby,joints are not strong,long finger,she has spects no of -4.5 . marfan syndrome has any cure?has any positive treatment on marfan syndrome ?
A: u may visit with full details, for detailed evaluation by experts in alternative medicine .and for offering treatment options available.
Can someone have a combo of connective tissue disorders such as Marfan Syndrome and Ehlers Danlos syndrome?
Q: I am a very short statured person which is not typical of a marfan patient although i am very thin and lengthy which is a marfan trait but i dont have the chest deformities associated with marfan i also have hyperelastic skin which is a sign of eds and my veins easily show another trait i have is thin nose and lips etc and yet i have serve scoliosis i thought i might eds and have which is called marfanoid habitus but with research i’ve done is people with marfanoid habitus only have a few features of marfan and dont meet the citeria aka aren’t full blown i meet both citeria back so is it possible to have both?i have family history of both disorders also i have been the doctors for ehlers danlos and marfan i was told that it don’t matter if i have a combo of both or not because there is no cure they treat marfan and ehlers danlos the same with surgeries and meds etc and there is no fool proof test for marfan only citeria and if its the hypermobile type of eds theres no genetic test
A: I can’t help you much with Marfan, but it is certainly possible to have multiple connective tissue disorders.There are laboratories, now, that are able to ascertain the gene mutations of ED. Also, since they’re both autosomal dominant conditions, and you have a family history of both, it’s entirely possible to have both.Both conditions are treated by treating symptoms and occupational therapy, so I undersand why your physicians would say that a definite diagnosis isn’t the most important; they just want to see what helps you.Best of luck to you~
Can someone with Marfan’s Syndrome gain more weight?
Q: My brother is believed to have Marfan’s syndrome. He has the tall skeletal structure with long fingers and arms. He also has an aortic dilation and curved spine. He also has a sunken chest. He is 6’3 and weighs 135 pounds. However, he has no signs of weak joints or loose joints. He also has no vision problems whatsoever. He is 25 years old. Can he gain more weight? What can he do to gain more weight besides eating more? The doctor gave him some prescription to stimulate his appetite. He will try this now. Is there any “cure” for this particular symptom? Thanks
A: I love seeing intelligent answers like the ones you have received so far! Many Marfs have a difficult time gaining weight, at least until they reach middle age! My suggestion (I am a Marf) it to increase the caloric intake. Building muscle might do him well also, as long as he avoids undue strain on his cardio-vascular system. Have you tried contacting the National Marfan Foundation for suggestions? It can’t hurt. Good luck!
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