Can you catch aids by kissing mouth to mouth with someone who has aids

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No you cannot get aids from kissing. Aids is a sexual transmitted disease. Thank you for using ChaCha! Have a nice night! [ Source: ]
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Can you catch aids by kissing mouth to mouth with someone who has…?
No you cannot get aids from kissing. Aids is a sexual transmitted disease. Thank you for using ChaCha! Have a nice night!

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Name of this movie? Please help.?
Q: A long time ago I saw a movie (I was like 7 maybe) and I remember I liked it but never knew the name, first of all I didn’t see it from the beginning, but here are some parts that I can recall (it’s going to be long, sorry)- It was like from the 70’s.- The main characters were: little girl an twin brotehers (the 3 were preteens ) an older girl (18-20 yrs) and her boyfriend.-The older girl is the neighbor of the little girl and kind of becomes the idol of the little girls ’cause she is so different and kind of rebel BUT in a good way.- There was a scene were the younger girl was invited to a birthday party of the twins brothers and were playing spin the bottle and when was the girl to kiss one of the boys she had never kiss before so they told her to “close your eyes and open your mouth”she does it and the boy put a frog in her mouth .. they laugh and she leaves the party.- After that she goes to the house of the older girl, drinks cool-aid and here is where she meets the boyfriend, after the older girls introduces her to her boyfriend de younger girl says : “Hi! I had a frog in my mouth”- Other scene is when one of the brothers is pulling the little girl by the legs (i don’t remember why) ans she kicks him in the nuts.-The Older girl (who was kind of a rebel) is send to a private school or something like that, that is run by nuns and his boyfriend is trying to find her talk to her so he and the little girl go to the school and I then the little girl makes a deal with someone I think is a nun, so she runs to the guys car opens the glove department and takes out a bottle of some liqour and gives it to the nun and she let they guy talk his girlfriend.-While the little girl was with the guy, people in her town tought that she had runaway (ant these is the final scene) so when she come back shes walking down the street and one of the twins brothers sees her and ask her something of she runing away and other stuff (I don’t really remember) and she answers something but I remember that they she answers let you know that she was more “mature” and that was the end of the movie ooh and as she saying that she was blowing a dandelion or catching one of the white stuff. Oh and sorry for my spelling but english is not my first lenguage.
A: One Hot Summer is also called That Night (1992) on Youtube:
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