Can you get bipolar disease when you are 17 years old

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Both children and teens can develop bipolar disorder. It is more likely to affect the children of parents who have the illness. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get bipolar disease when you are 17 years old
Can you get bipolar disease when you are 17 years old
Both children and teens can develop bipolar disorder. It is more likely to affect the children of parents who have the illness.

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Would you be angry at your teenager if she had been IM chatting with a lunatic?
Q: This girl is really smart and very sweet but she was just naive and last summer when she was 16 this guy from Y!A started IM’ing with her and she thought he was funny at first so she wrote back. He turned out to be a total psycho and 30 years old. He wrote all this really perverted stuff to her and then when she stopped writing to him he made up this whole thing about how he was going to drown himself and really needed to talk to her and she believed him because it had been all over the news at the time that this guy from Florida had killed himself on the internet live in front of people. She accepted his IM’s again. So then in March he went crazy again. He told her he had schizophrenia and bipolar and that his sister had dyed of it and that was why he was crazy and that talking to her made him feel better. Then she found out that you can’t have both those diseases at the same time and he made it all up. After he went psycho on her in March she posted some of the IMs on a blog. Yesterday I saw him in the Religion and Spirituality section and answered a question then he wrote to me and perved out on me and said really mean stuff like how I was just jealous of her and that he could be a better friend to her than anyone else and knew more about her than even her parents and boyfriend did and that she needed to stop IMing people like me. He wanted me to tell her all this stuff about how awesome she is. I told her she needs to tell her parents cause he’s a total psycho and she said she’s worried they’ll think she’s naive and will be upset that she ever IMd with him and that they could take away her laptop, so she won’t tell them. Would you be mad at her if you were her parents?**I am NOT her parents. I’m 17 too and am trying to get her to tell her parents because the guy is a total psycho and I’m worried but she won’t because she’s afraid they’ll think she’s naive and will take away her laptop or not her IM anyone anymore or something. So that’s why I wanted to know what parents would think about it.
A: Both of you block the guy. Isn’t there ways to block emails, IM’s, and Y!A?
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