Can you give yourself a disease

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you give yourself a disease”,you can compare them.

COPD is self-inflicted (by smoking) and also because the underlying disease process is generally perceived to be irreversible. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you give yourself a disease
Why it is important to talk about AIDS and to protect yourself ag…?
Because (even though we still have so much to learn about it) even though we know how to protect ourselves against it, there are so many who are uneducated about the disease and do not know how it is transmitted. People need to know that yo…
How to Protect Yourself From Lyme Disease
Lyme Disease, a tick-borne illness, is named for Old Lyme, Connecticut, where it was first diagnosed. Here are tips for protecting yourself when you’re camping, hiking or participating in other outdoor activities in New England.
How do you protect yourself from wildlife diseases??
Most common way people catch it: Cleaning, working, or living in area that was infested by rodents. Worst-case scenario: Death. How common in the Northeast? Fairly uncommon. Most vulnerable groups: People in close contact with rodent nes…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you give yourself epilepsy?
Q: Of course I’m not trying to give myself seizures, I was just curious. Is epilepsy something that you’re born with, contract from an accident of some sort, or is it possible to give yourself this disease?I would rather someone who knows what they’re talking about answer this like a doctor etc.
A: Epilepsy is when one has recurrent seizures that are not provoked. There are many causes of epilepsy. There are some types of epilepsy that are inherited and the person is born with it. Epilepsy can also develop related to trauma, previous brain surgery, any structural brain lesion such as a tumor, and previous stroke. You cannot give yourself epilepsy per se. A seizure is considered provoked when it has a secondary cause that is reversible. Provoked seizures can be due to alcohol withdrawal, low blood sugar, and electroyte abnormalities. Provoked seizures are NOT epilepsy, because remember epilepsy is recurrent unprovoked seizures.
What disease requires you to wear a sort of clear belt-like tube around the waist all the time?
Q: You also give yourself injections. You can see the tube when your shirt lifts up in the back.
A: Scoliosis and similar spine problems can cause you to need injections to relax the muscles and a brace to try and straighten the spine.I don’t know if thats what you mean though, but it is one use of both those treatments.
What is the point of having sex when……?
Q: You can give yourself a better orgasm without the fear of getting any disease AND there is no pressure on you what so ever.I can understand people in long term relationships because they want a partner who they can share everything with and connect with them physically AND emotionally but I really dont understand the people who just go out to get laid ??
A: I agree, but many men believe that the orgasm you receive when having sex is bigger and greater than doing it themselves. They want the sexiest girl to say they seduced her. Also foreplay is also plays a major part, e.g. feeling boobs and squeezing girls butts – as it gets them really horny.I agree, that it should never be done unless your in a loving relationship but some men and women don’t care.
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