Do germs like it hot or cold

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Do germs like it hot or cold”,you can compare them.

“Germs” refers to the microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause disease. Germs are found in all temps. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do germs like it hot or cold
Do germs like it hot or cold
“Germs” refers to the microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa that can cause disease. Germs are found in all temps.
Does hot water kill germs better than cold water??
Hot water is best because it eliminates dirt and oil from the skin. using hot water will reduce the chance of getting acne and pimples.
Why does hot water kill germs beter than cold water??
above 60 degrees C enzymes “denature”, therefore in hot water, germs’ enzymes are being rendered useless, and the germ cannot carry out it’s essential reactions, and therefore dies

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it better to take a cold or hot shower? Does it matter?
Q: I always take cold showers because I don’t like the hot steam cause I feel like it’s hard to breathe (ik its weird) anyway is it ok to take cold showers cause i hear that the heat kills germs better or something
A: cold showers are great for your skin since they help to clean out your pores betterhot showers help get dirt off and other gunk.just take warm showers.not hot not cold.but at the end, splash your face with cold water!NO ACNE!yayyy!!
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A: when i used to have sensitive teeth , definitely warm water, now it doesn’t matter, either or,
Questions about cold and hot tea?
Q: I’ve heard that hot tea can help with a sore throat by breaking up the germs and mucus and acting as a decongestant.Then, would cold tea do the exact opposite of this?You see, it just seems like there’s either more mucus there or it hasn’t helped on a person when you drink cold tea. At least, that’s how it seems. However, I wouldn’t know.Also, when you get a sore throat, it does help make the throat feel better, but why do some people end up “deconjesting” spit? No matter how much of the tea you drink hot, the spit doesn’t seem to want to deconjest and it’s always on one side.So, if you’re drinkng hot tea just to drink it, is it a bad idea?Also, if you’re drinking warm tea, is it just trading off a sore throat for that spit-in-throat feeling people mention?
A: It depends what throat ailment you have. It’s more about the heat killing the germs then it is about the tea. If you added honey and lemon and heat, the lemon, honey and heat would be better then just hot tea.tea in other words is just something to put the throat soothing ingredients in and of course the hot water.Iced tea wouldn’t make it worse and ice tea with honey( put the honey in while the tea is warm so it dissolves) will also help soothe the throat.But if you have some kind of throat virus , you need to see a doctor for an antibiotic.Great site here, it will tell you all you need to know about throat ailments.
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