Does hydrogen peroxide sterilize

Health related question in topics Chemistry .We found some answers as below for this question “Does hydrogen peroxide sterilize”,you can compare them.

Yes, hydrogen peroxide does indeed sterilize, it also works well for brushing teeth to prevent gum disease. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does hydrogen peroxide sterilize
Does hydrogen peroxide sterilize
Yes, hydrogen peroxide does indeed sterilize, it also works well for brushing teeth to prevent gum disease. ChaCha!
Does hydrogen peroxide sterilize needles?
No. The only way to sterilize them for certain, is to autoclave them. Otherwise, use a new needle each time.
Can you use hydrogen peroxide to sterilize your ear piercing??
peroxide is a sterilizer, however best way too keep your new piercing clean is rubbing alcohol i know it will hurt but it will keep it clean . also if you are really concerned use an over the counter antibiotic cream such as bacitracin or n…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does hydrogen peroxide sterilize needles?
Q: if not…what does?
A: No. The only way to sterilize them for certain, is to autoclave them. Otherwise, use a new needle each time.
What do I use to clean 8-year-old earings?
Q: I found a pair of earings I had when I was a little girl – nearly eight or nine years ago – so naturally, they’re sporting a small bit of rust. I’d like to wear them to camo tomorrow, but I don’t want to risk my ears getting infected. How would I sterilize them? Hydrogen peroxide, isopropyl alcohol (the only sterilizing alcohols I have for cuts and bruises), or just plain jewelry cleaner?
A: you can try any of those – but im not sure if i would put rusted posts in my ears. if the rust doesn’t come off – they sell little plastic sleeves that fit over post – that may be better – but still clean them first.
I want to change my tongue ring, does it sound like I can?
Q: I got my tongue pierced on last Sunday and its been 7 days now, it doesn’t hurt at all, the swelling has gone down drastically, there is about 1/3 of the long barbell sticking out. I have been doing awesome with aftercare and I really want to switch to a shorter plastic barbell before I go on vacation tomorrow. I just hate having a lisp from this long one. Has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice about whether I should change it or not? I am worried about how my tongue will react to a new bar. I am currently sterilizing the new bar in Hydrogen Peroxide, will that work? or what can use to sterilize a plastic bar?Thanks in advance.:)
A: Don’t change it yet, it is way to soon,and as soon as you take it out,and put the new one in it will swell up all over again,and you will have to switch back to the longer barbell.I waited at least 2months before changing mine.You can change the ball though to make it look pretty,just dont take out the barbell. 🙂 AND DONT USE PEROXIDE!IT DOESEN’T KILL ALL THE GERMS IT SUPPOSED TO!SOAK IT IN LISTERINE, OR BOIL IT IN HOT WATER!
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