How was AIDS created or come to be? More

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The official origin is unknown, but it is speculated that the first case of AIDS occurred back in the 70s in a human in the Congo who came in contact with primates, who are said to have originally cared the disease. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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How was AIDS created or come to be?
The official origin is unknown, but it is speculated that the first case of AIDS occurred back in the 70s in a human in the Congo who came in contact with primates, who are said to have originally cared the disease. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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What do you think about people with AIDS or HIV……?
Q: I have a question that i have put much thought into….I am not a judgemental person and do not judge people who have AIDS or who are HIV+. My question is what do you think about possibly marking people who have the disease somehow. possibly with a small tattoo or registry or anything like that….i know there are many pros and cons to each side of this argument and i have tried to think of all of them but i want your thoughts… could help many innocent people….and also hurt many innocent people….but it could protect people that are lied to……and it could cause people to be come a target…..what do you think would it help solve the problem or would it create more problems and how……its not all about the tattoo thing i just threw that out there….im not saying one way or the other is right im looking for opinions….and ill play the advocate since this is lop sided…..what if you were with your partner for a couple years and you were completely in love and never told you they had aids and then you end up with it not knowing and then its over and your stuck with aids….you were careful you did the right things you still have to suffer from there lies…..what if you have a child and they contract the disease…..they have to suffer for there parents lie…..and leave the tattoo thing alone it was just to get an idea out there there would/will be no tattoo….but should’nt there be something more done to fight this, what is considered the largest epidemic to date???….there are no cures and if everyone knew who had aids…the numbers would DROP staggeringly….also how do you feel about the company that was handing out free needles in neighborhoods known for heroine addicts……that was there effort to fight aids….they figured the drug addicts are going to do it one way or another they might as well have clean needles to help control aids.
A: I have met several people with AIDS or HIV, and I think it is unfortunate that people get this deadly disease.Some of them are very responsible people who will do everything in their power to avoid spreading their disease. Others–too many others–just don’t care.Branding or labeling people with this illness would probably not work. The responsible people are not the problem and the irresponsible people will hide the label. The best advice I have heard or can give is “don’t have unprotected sex unless it is a person you know you can trust.” That is far better protection than marking a person would be.
Can you come up with a new idea for health care improvement?
Q: Come on, let’s get real here folks.Let’s show these idiots in Washington that we’re not the right wing, left wing, talking end table type folks that they think we are !!!Let’s come up with some REAL ideas on what should be done, or at least give them a GOOD starting point for fixing this thing !!! My ideas are…. Why not try two simple things that will have GREAT immediate and long lasting effects on BOTH the US Economy and every taxpaying citizen. and others that unfortunately aren’t working at this time. As most of us have thought about and maybe we’ve even uttered it a time or two in the past. ” I pay over $300 per month for health insurance, each and every month, yet before they insurance company will pay ONE RED CENT, they require me to meet a $ 2,500 ( OUT OF MY POCKET) deductible ! WHAT !!! So, come on, haven’t we all had our ‘mad as hell and we’re not gonna take it anymore. moments??? Here are a few ideas that I am pondering.Please post yours as well, or improve mine !!!Either way, LET”S DO IT !!!I am hoping that many of us post/ASK this question, over and over, until we finally come up with something that benefits US !!!So take these ideas and RUN !!!Or post that you agree or WHY you disagree ?Just put your own thoughts down, not a generated media hyped, government approved answer, YOURS !!! Ok, 1) For starters. NO MORE required deductible that must be met before coverage begins !!! 2) At the end of the year, your insurer will be required to give you a statement that shows how much you paid in premiums for the entire year. They will also show how the money that they collected has grown (at a moderate rate of interest). They must also show the totals of $$$ that they spent covering your medical costs. This is where it gets interesting. We realize that some money was spent keeping our records and paying claims.Let the insurance companies keep 33% of the money we were charged. After all, they have to show a profit to sustain their business. So WE get an insurance return of 66% of what was collected for that year, provided we met all the criteria !!! We’re not getting something for nothing, just getting a rebate for OVER PAYMENT !!! 3) ALL medical expenses are deductible (no minimum required)Everything we paid for coverage, meds, emergency room care, general care, eye check-ups etc.,, band aids, EVERYTHING !!! This credit available to ALL, even those that don’t itemize or own a home !!! 4)Be looser with the term eligible dependent !!!Some parents may be helping their young adult children out by bearing some of the expenses that they need help with for their children. Many times paying for food, clothing and sometimes medical expenses, or other unexpected expenses. Create some category for these cases…just a thought… Please take this serious…If you have anything, LET’S hear it !
A: How about realistic hospital fees.sometimes they charge you for tissues, lotion, misc. items and its like $18 for a roll of toilet paper..I think you have great ideas and I do take it serious.. Good Q.. 🙂
Do you think America actually gives money to poor people in other countries?
Q: Americans are regularly told by politicians and the media, that America is the world’s most generous nation. This is one of the most conventional pieces of ‘knowledgeable ignorance’. According to the OECD, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, the US gave between $6 and $15 billion in foreign aid in the period between 1995 and 1999. In absolute terms, Japan gives more than the US, between $9 and $15 billion in the same period. But the absolute figures are less significant than the proportion of gross domestic product (GDP, or national wealth) that a country devotes to foreign aid. On that league table, the US ranks twenty-second of the 22 most developed nations. As former President Jimmy Carter commented: ‘We are the stingiest nation of all’. Denmark is top of the table, giving 1.01% of GDP, while the US manages just 0.1%. The United Nations has long established the target of 0.7% GDP for development assistance, although only four countries actually achieve this: Denmark, 1.01%; Norway, 0.91%; the Netherlands, 0.79%; Sweden, 0.7%. Apart from being the least generous nation, the US is highly selective in who receives its aid. Over 50% of its aid budget is spent on middle-income countries in the Middle East, with Israel being the recipient of the largest single share.The purpose of 99% of foreign “aid” is to create foreign markets for US products, especially arms sales. Foreign aid aids the giver (America), not the recipient. The leaders get the money, not the people. Giving money to the people is both not useful to the US as well as rather impossible. There are no people driving up to villages with cash and handing townspeople money making sure to distribute it evenly. They give it to the government and or the rebel leadership to allot.Richer nations receive the most aid. 1 third of all American aid goes to Israel and Egypt. After that it goes to places like Columbia, Pakistan, Jordan etc… not Rwanda or Burundi or Botswana.When looking at how it’s allotted by the US, it’s clear that strategic considerations, political alignment and drug policy are the biggest considerations while the poorest nations receive the least if any aid. The U.N. Voting Record doesn’t even count, if you can’t do anything for the US.Sweden spends the majority of it’s aid on places like Sierra Leone, Gaza & the West Bank and Liberia and the rest of Africa.When will Americans come out of their government / media induced coma and realize the propaganda that is fed them? Of course America doesn’t give money to poor people. They don’t even give any to poor dying Americans, why would they give it to a Botswanian?”Below 50%” – 500 million. He’s not worth 50 billion. Anyway, re-read, you’re not getting it.”End the Fed” – Please no more self-delusional America speak about how we all mooch off America’s generosity in defending us. We neither want nor need America’s “protection”.”Cracker” – The topic is foreign aid genius, not charities in America for Americans.
A: I am not surprised as we just write a check and let some idiot decide who gets what , without conditions why write th check? We need to end all foreign aid!
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