Is there a cure to sleeping sickness

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There is some recent news on this disease. African trypanosomiasis, aka sleeping sickness, is a serious disease spread by the bite of tsetse flies. It’s found only in Africa and it is fatal. ChaCha [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a cure to sleeping sickness
Is there a cure to sleeping sickness
There is some recent news on this disease. African trypanosomiasis, aka sleeping sickness, is a serious disease spread by the bite of tsetse flies. It’s found only in Africa and it is fatal. ChaCha
How a Beauty Regime Salvaged a Cure for Sleeping Sickness?
The story of sleeping sickness is a scandalous illustration of the politics of neglected diseases—and of how much wealthy people drive the global medical market. After malaria, sleeping sickness is the most deadly parasitic disease. It is e…
Is sleeping sickness curable?
Yes, sleeping sickness is treatable, but the patient needs to be followed up for relapses, as treatment is not always successful. Some of the damage to the brain (which occurs in the later stages) can’t be reversed. Pentamidine or suramin a…

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Is there a cure for sickness from themepark rides?
Q: I recently visited Alton Towers and threw up four times with dizzy/nausea spells in between, that lasted to the end of the day. I’ve had similar when visting other theme parks and fairgrounds during my life and i’m getting really fed-up with it as it spoils the fun for myself and those who go with me.I want to know if there is any prevention for this kind of thing or whether there was anything i could do to stop it from affecting me. I’ve tried changing what i eat, drinking lots of water and even getting plenty of sleep the night before but it makes no difference as the effects of the rides mess with my head and my stomach anyway.Can anyone offer me suggestions of what to do to stop feeling like crap after going on these rides, either before or after methods?Thanks.
A: Ginger, DGL, and Peppermint Oil are great natural products for calming an upset stomach, or you could take Dramamine (an OTC drug) for a similar effect. It might not be enough of an effect if you’ve just had your first run on one of the big stomach-turning roller coasters (as a lot of that is also disorientation in addition to the stomach upset), but at least it’ll be a good start to minimize (and hopefully eliminate) the effects… just make sure you take something at least a good half hour before starting the first ride so it has time to get in your system before your body wants to puke it up ;-)Also, try not to eat too much throughout the day, and when you eat, eat small amounts and avoid any of the stomach-turning rides for a good hour or so after eating if possible.If nothing else, just remember that some people have the general makeup to get more nauseous with roller coasters and some have seemingly iron-clad stomachs… don’t worry if you get an upset stomach and want to go on some of the easier rides. Heck, when I was in high school and went to the local theme park, there were a few people that didn’t want to go on the roller coasters, so they made a group that went to all the other fun rides that wouldn’t turn their stomachs. Think of it this way… it’s better to have fun on the rides that might not be seen as big and scary than to go on the big rides and puke on your friend’s shoes (and I think telling your friends that you would rather not puke on their shoes should be a good enough excuse out of it) ;-)Good luck!
Is sleep walking considered a sickness?
Q: Is there a cure for people who sleep walks?Is it hereditary or does it have something to do when you’re physically/emotionally stressed? Or does it happen randomly sometime in a persons life?
A: Sleepwalking OverviewSleepwalking is a disorder characterized by complicated actions that result in walking during sleep. Sleepwalking behavior can range from simply getting out of bed and walking around the room to driving a car. Sleepwalking usually occurs during the slow-wave stages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (stages of sleep in which eye movement does not take place; for details of stages of sleep see Sleep: Understanding the Basics). Persons affected with this disorder usually have their eyes wide open in a stare. Episodes of sleepwalking typically occur during deep sleep (stages III and IV or slow wave sleep; for details of stages of sleep see Sleep: Understanding the Basics). Episodes of sleepwalking are also known to occur during all stages of NREM sleep and at any time during the night. Since most slow wave sleep occurs earlier in the night, sleepwalking is usually seen in the first one third of the sleep cycle and rarely during naps. The person is unable to respond during the event and does not remember the event. In some cases, it is associated with incoherent talking.Sleepwalking occurs most commonly in middle childhood and preadolescence, with a peak incidence in children aged 11-12 years. This sleep disorder can have a genetic tendency and tends to run in families. Sleepwalking often lasts into adulthood.
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