Is there a disease for eating boogers

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there a disease for eating boogers”,you can compare them.

Eating boogers may be an eating disorder or may just be a habit. Some evidence shows eating boogers may build your immune system. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there a disease for eating boogers
Is there a disease for eating boogers
Eating boogers may be an eating disorder or may just be a habit. Some evidence shows eating boogers may build your immune system.
What kind of diseases could you get from eating boogers ??
Boogers are chock full of bacteria which your body has shuttled out by way of mucus. Mucus lines many of the pathways into the body’s delicate innards, and creates a surface which is like flypaper for bacteria and other particles. Once stuf…

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I have Sinus Problems and don’t know why?
Q: I have had serious sinus problems ever since I’ve been a kid. They’ve gotten a bit better over the years, maybe its been because I’ve moved to an extremely colder climate (Bahamas —> Central NY).I find myself clearing my throat about every 5-10seconds as though something is there. It feels as though there is some kind of liquid on the lining of my throat where I am clearing it.Also I’ve found that my overall nose conditions are also bad, but the situation is weird. I’ve learned that garlic is great for the sinus especially in combination with fruit such as oranges. When eaten and digested before I go to bed my sinuses would be clear by morning. However, when I re-awake, they become bad again and in a few minutes I start having to clear my throat again. It feels as though whatever is in my throat is only going down when I’m awake?Also I also get boogers way to much– imo. It seems as though my WHOLE nose’s inner lining sheds once per day or more creating these scabby hard kind of boogers. Winters are worse than summers.Oddly enough though, I’m 100% sure its not some kind of issue with being a really sickly child though because I’m not really one to get seriously sick. I don’t believe I’ve ever really gotten the flu or any other disease or sickness. I’m always in good enough health to walk to school, but my nose just runs extremely bad in the winter — If I tilt my head down, It will essentially funnel out. One day I took the advice of my father and tried blowing my nose and not letting anything go down into my throat for the whole day and just wasted about a whole role of toilet paper and still felt just as bad as when I had started.I’ve looked down my nose, and I’m not sure if its just the normal nose structure, but I’ve seen what looked like growths. Sometimes I can’t even see them though, but they look as though they are naturally a part of my nose. I’ve gone to the doctor several times about my bad sinuses and they just tell me to use Musinex (which I must say isn’t as effective as the garlic) so I stopped taking his advice, which always ends up pointing towards a drug that didn’t work over the period in which it was subsribed.HELP?!
A: See an ear, nose & throat doctor for evaluation. A General Practitioner will only pump you full of pills.
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