What are a few genetic diseases

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are a few genetic diseases”,you can compare them.

Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease (which causes nervous system problems) and certain cancers are genetic. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-a-few-genetic-diseases ]
More Answers to “What are a few genetic diseases
What are a few genetic diseases
Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and Tay-Sachs disease (which causes nervous system problems) and certain cancers are genetic.
Why are there so few genetic diseases directly affecting the citr…?
because most things wouldn’t live without it (i.e. they’ll be dead), so that person/thing wouldn’t live long enough for us to notice. Notice I said most, since some bacteria can live without it. The citric acid cycle is essential. P.S. this…
Why is there so few genetic disease caused by deleterious dominan…?
Because if the mutation is both harmful and dominant, then it doesn’t last long. Everyone who carries the mutation suffers whatever harmful effects it has. If the mutation is recessive, then someone can be a carrier without having any harmf…

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I believe that women are the more evolved gender of the species- any thoughts on this?
Q: Women recover better from strokes with more mental faculties than men. Women handle stress better than men. Women have a more efficient metabolism than men. Highly developed language centers are found in women’s brains that are not generally present in men’s minds. Women use their intellect to solve problems- not just brute force. Women have more DNA in their chromosomes than men. Women suffer fewer genetic diseases than males becuase of their redundant DNA. Women tend to be the civilizing force in societies, regardless of their status. Women can better survive starvation than a man. Women are less likely to freeze to death because of fat stores. Women are much less likely to suffer from color blindness.Yet, people still seem to think that women came from men- if they did, where did the extra DNA come from? I have heard theories that women are the default humans, and males are a genetic mutation that developed to help humans survive through better genetic diversity. So what gives?Take for instance, the Wild West. Who tamed the Wild West? That’s right- WOMEN!The men may build the towns and be the poineers, but when the women move in, you have City Hall, Libraries, Schools, civic organizations like the Women’s Club, mayors get elected, trash and garbage pickup gets organized, a Sheriff gets elected or appointed.The men seem to be more worried about shooting someone or having a peeing contest to get down to the nitty gritty of running a real town.Oh- and when Berlin got bombed nearly flat in WW2, who cleaned up the mess the men made? That’s right- women. Who organized and worked hard to bring that city back from oblivion? Women.Rosie the riveter, who made the B52’s the US Army Air Corps used to do these boming runs, were women. I have heard that the manufacturers of the B52’s were really impressed with the work women did- they were more consistent and patient with their machines.
A: Well, that is very subjective. I could easily say the opposite.
Does she sound Like a good Dog Breeder (2nd e-mail)?
Q: Okay I have posted a previous question about this, about her saying genetic testing was too expensive. Here’s her second e-mail after I re-asked the questions and pointed out the no genetic testing problems…~ For the genetic testing it is pretty expensive here and currently cannot afford it. I would be more than happy to send you pictures of the sire and Dam. The sire of the blue roan female has a great grandfather who was famous in the doggy world. As for dropping the price I need to talk to my daughter for both the Sire and Dam are hers. I will let you know what we decide as soon as I can. She has been working night shifts and sleeping most of the day except for when she goes to her college classes. You sound ver resposible in everything you are asking and sound like you are eager to prove it with a new puppy. Forewarning the blue roan female loves to play with everything. Here are some pictures of the Sire and Dam and some of the blue roan female. Dana~I feel she’s a good breeder because she says I’m good asking a lot of questions and that she KNOWS the disposition of the pups… But the Genetic testing is what I worry about. This Breed (spaniel) is prone to quite a few genetic diseases/ problems so I’m being wary.Thanks to you all, I will just not e-mail her anymore unless she e-mails me, then I’ll say something. I already told her the Genetic testing was important to me.
A: You are right to be wary.The money you spend on a puppy whos parents have had all their genetic testing will be well spent when you do not have to suffer vet bills from non-tested dogs.Reputable breeders know the prices of their show dogs and pet dogs immediately. It is not something they “decide on”.Find another breeder.Keep up the great work. You will get the right dog for you.
Q: hi, for school we had to interveiw a doctor or nurse, and i emailed my aunt but she hasnt responded and it is due tomorror.here r the questions1. What is one genetic disease that affects the circulatory system?2. What are a few diseases that affect the circulatory system?3. What would you say is the most important organ in the circulatory system?please answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thx
A: Lets see… 1. Sickle Cell disease. 2. diabetes myelitis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure 3. the heart
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