What are aneurisms, and what causes them

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It is a localized, blood-filled dilation (balloon-like bulge) of a blood vessel caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-aneurisms%2C-and-what-causes-them ]
More Answers to “What are aneurisms, and what causes them
What causes aneurisms?
Aneurisms can be caused by a number of factors. Very often, aneurisms develop from a weakening in the structural layer of an artery. Hypertension (high blood pressure) and atherosclerosis (furring of the artery walls) can promote aneurism g…
What causes a cerebral aneurysm?
Cerebral aneurysms are usually aneurysms we are born with. There are certain conditions, however, that can predispose one to develop aneurysms later in life. Hypertension can cause small aneurysms in the brain stem and midbrain that can ble…
How Is a Brain Aneurysm Caused?
・ A cerebral or brain aneurysm is a non-congenital anomaly caused when a weak spot in the wall of a cerebral… ・ Brain aneurysms develop over time. Studies by the Mayo Clinic and other health organizations have shown… ・ Though aneurysms …

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Has anyone else been through something like this? Anxiety or something else?
Q: I’m 22 years old, been on the birth control for 6 years (no problems with it), slightly overweight (5’7 170 lbs) and have been getting panic attacks for about 2 months. I wrecked and totaled my car (because of ice) this winter and I was unharmed. My Dad died over two years ago. I am getting married this summer, but I do not FEEL stressed out. I feel like the wedding and all that will be fine. However, I have this impending sense of doom that I am just going to die. Whether it be from a brain aneurism and my latest was a blood clot in my leg. Every little pain I feel I think it is the end for me, and naturally this triggers the anxiety. I started going to the chiropractor and he says I have subluxations in my neck, a lot of muscle problems and that is what causes my “head twinges” as I have taken to calling them, for which I jumped to calling it brain aneurisms before I had my MRI to tell me nothing is wrong with my head. I just want to know if ANYone else has been through something like this and what your solution was. I am so tired of not being me anymore. I can’t stand to be alone (for fear something will happen to me while I’m alone) and I used to be such a normal, smart, and rational person. Help please.I have been to the doctor and he suggested Paxil. I wanted to talk to someone first before I start medicating myself because I’ve never been big on popping pills. I do understand people need medicine sometimes and I might as well. The doctor gave me a card for someone and her title is “Licensed Clinical Social Worker” Is this the same as a therapist?And as for managing stress, I’ve never FELT stressed. I am very organized and always get things done. One day I just woke out of a dead sleep with my heart racing and the feeling of impending doom.
A: Hey… I know exactly what you’re going through. I have had anxiety for 15 years. Sometimes I have bouts of panic attacks and sometimes its just generalized anxiety. It has been worse over the past 1-1/2 years because of a lot of changes I have gone through and stress. I don’t feel stressed either. I can handle things that make most people cringe. Yes, a social worker is a therapist. I highly recommend talking to someone. Everyone at some point needs some w/ knowledge to talk to so don’t be embarrased. It really helps to get things “out”. I take Zoloft and it has worked well for me. There are some side effects like getting sleepy and no sex drive but hey… I would rather deal w/ that anyday than the anxiety. The symptoms you are describing is a common symptom of anxiety. It’s called “hypochondriasis” and its awful. I myself, am going through that terribly right now. We tend to expect the worse… because of the anxiety. Anxiety is fear. We fear things that could harm us or others that we love, we fear being out of control, we fear looking bad in front of other people. We fear all sorts of things. Our fear is just off the charts. They are the same thing most people think about but we tend to dwell and obsess about it. My thing is cancer and HIV. I’m trying w/ the help of Zoloft to overcome my obsessions w/ self-talk and trying to rationalize w/ myself because we also have irrational thinking on top of everything else. Anyway, I don’t really have any answers other than see the therapist and take the prescribed medication. If you don’t like it, you can stop. Give it a try. I know, I didn’t like taking meds either because of the anxiety (fear of being on meds) but I decided I’d rather deal w/ that than the anxiety. Try it. Also, it may just help knowing that what you are feeling is normal. HTH. You are not alone.
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