What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research”,you can compare them.

Advantages 1) medical benefits in the fields of therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine 2) for treatments to diseases MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-stem-cell-research ]
More Answers to “What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research
What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research?
Advantages 1) medical benefits in the fields of therapeutic cloning and regenerative medicine 2) for treatments to diseases MORE?
What are some advantages and disadvantages on human stem cell res…?
Embryonic stem cells can’t cure a damn thing, and are only good for you if you happen to BE a cancer. We should quit presuming that there is any science or practical applications behind the research into them. Adult stem cells are a great s…
What do you think the advantages and disadvantages to stem cell r…?
The advantages would definitely be that we could treat disease and possibly grow new organs for those that needed them from stem cells; the disadvantages of this are of an ethical nature; do we use stem cells from aborted fetuses, or wors…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research?
A: Advantages include cures to any disease currently known to man.Disadvantages include perceived infringement of morality (which really is no longer an issue, as stem cells can be collected just fine without harvesting the fetuses of God-Fearing Americans.)
What is stem cell research?
Q: I’m doing an assignment on genetics and have to give the advantages and disadvantages of stem cell research….what is it? lol
A: Stem cells reproduce by mitosis and are found in embryos (pre-babies) or in adult tissue cells. In adults they act as a repair system but in embryos they are more specialized to target tissues. They are already used to treat leukemia by implanting them from healthy bone marrow into infected to try to treat, repair and replenish. One thing people get angry about is that with embryonic stem cells, the embryo is destroyed to obtain them – this is one disadvantage.An advantage is the POSSIBILITY (more research is still needed) to treat Parkinson’s, muscular diseases, etc. People also think it may devalue human life if we are destroying these embryos simply to keep alive the already living. Disadvantage.Disadvantage would be the horrendous money it would cost in research.Advantage would be reducing the over-crowded population.Advantage would be more jobs in research created.Disadvantage that humans feel more powerful, dangerous to other humans and to animals.
How many of you acually know what stem cell research really is?
Q: Hi i am a 10th grade student and I am doing a project to see how many of you really know what stem cell research is. I will be asking a few questions and i want to tell me what you know no doing any research or anything. This will be very helpful for me. Later tonight i will be postnig the answers to come back and see how you did. Thanks. A. What are human embryonic stem cells?B. From where do human embryonic stem cells originate?C. What is the difference between a blastocyst and a fetus?D. Where in the body is the blastocyst located?E. Do you know of other sources for stem cells? ElaborateF. What are advantages to using adult stem cells? G. What are the advantages to using adult stem cells?H. What are the disadvantages to using embryonic stem cells?I. What are the disadvantages to using adult stem cells?J. What are their possible uses in medicine?K. Do you feel that federal funding should be allocated toward human embryonic stem cell research? Why or Why not?
A: A & B.Embryonic stem cells are stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of an early stage embryo.C. The blastocyst is an early stage of mammal development early in pregnancy..A fetus is a developing mammal after the embryonic stage and before birthD. I’m sorry but that’s a dumb question. I won’t even answer that. E. Embryonic (explained above), adult stem cells which are found in adult tissues, and cord blood stem cells which are found in the umbilical cord.F. Advantages= Ability to self-renew indefinitely and generate all the cell types of the organ that they come from,potentially regenerating the entire organ from a few cells.G. See AboveH. Thus far only adult and cord blood stem cells have been successful in treating disease.I. They are multipotent progenitor cells, meaning while they can create a large number of things.. they are still limited.J. cancer, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries, and muscle damage and other conditionsK. Funding should be allocated toward human embryonic stem cell research, though monitored, if simply only for the knowledge.
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