What causes a man to become sterile

Health related question in topics Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes a man to become sterile”,you can compare them.

Several factors like genetic disorders, malnutrition, environmental factors, and some diseases. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-a-man-to-become-sterile ]
More Answers to “What causes a man to become sterile
What cause men to become sterile?
a vasectomy What causes sterility? There are a number of causes of sterility, including: Inherited genes – Abnormalities in the Y-chromosome can cause sterility. Physical impairments – Tubes carrying sperm can become blocked by scar tissue…
Can a laptop on your lap cause a man to become sterile?
As with any source of heat being placed in such a sensitive area, there is a very, very slight possibility that you might temporarily become sterile. May I stress the word temporarily, as your body will replenish the sperm that was killed o…
Can Frequent Masturbation Cause A Man To Become Sterile?
Absolutely not. Nor will it cause you to grow hair on your palms.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What STD causes a man to become STERILE?
Q: plz……..i need the answer fastis this the only 1
A: chlamydia
What causes a man to become sterile?
Q: Including operations and diseases…serious answers please
A: You oblige to achieve a long list that no physician could like to do even.Aside from the sterility coming with the birth (genetic one, oligospermia, aspermia or other), just to satisfy your curiosity I’ll limit myself putting this simple list -any dysfunction or alteration of the sexual organs;any grave infection (or STD) or illnesses of Prostate, Testicles, Seminal vesicles, Cowper’s glands, Blister, Urethra, etc.Any great injury or trauma.Any cancer in the sexual organs and radiation; hypogonadism.Any Varicocele; Criptorchidism; Epididymitis; Orchis; parotitis – If not treated with care.Some drug taken during the infancy (steroids i.e.);
what can cause a man to become sterile?
A: there are a lot of things that can reduce a males sperm count or even make him sterile….eg: chicken pox as an adult can result in sterilization, overheating the testicles, injury to the testicles, restriction of airflow to the testicles, excess drug use, excess smoking…and i am sure there are many more….these are just the ones that i have been made aware of
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