What diseases cause you to poop a lot

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There are lots of diseases that can cause more defecation. Celiacs Disease & Crohn’s Disease are 2 of them. It can also be caused by age,emotional distress,or nerve damage. If it bothers you,have your doctor check you out. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-diseases-cause-you-to-poop-a-lot ]
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What diseases cause you to poop a lot
There are lots of diseases that can cause more defecation. Celiacs Disease & Crohn’s Disease are 2 of them. It can also be caused by age,emotional distress,or nerve damage. If it bothers you,have your doctor check you out.

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Housebreaking Outside vs Paper or Litter Training Dogs?
Q: Okay, I’ve read enough in this section to see that the choice to either outside housebreak or inside paper/potty patch/ litter box train a dog, especially the toy breeds, is met with a lot of strong opinions, often rudely put.I feel it’s a choice for the dog owner to make as far as how & where their dog eliminates…..and I can also see the pros and cons of ALL choices.Outside housebreaking means the dog has to ASK to eliminate….do you have to ask? And communication can result in accidentsPlus, the pooch is often expected to ‘hold it’…..are you forced to hold it? Or do you relieve yourself as soon as you are able-your choice.Or is being a human give you this privilege while the dog doesn’t get to be as privileged.Yes, it’s convenient for the owner…but what about the poor people who accidentally step in the mess when less than diligent dog owners fail to scoop the poop….besides being a public nuisance, it’s a contaminant for other dogs and can cause, spread disease.However, when an owner responds immediately to their dog’s need to ‘potty’, and cleans up after the dog, I can certainly see the advantages to outside housebreaking….but..if an owner makes the determination that circumstances would best be served with paper training, potty patches, or litter pans, and is just as diligent in cleaning up immediately after their pet, and the pet is well trained so it only eliminates where it’s supposed to..who cares? Who is hurt by it?So why so judgmental on what another chooses for their dog/lifestyle?It’s NOT your dog, it’s NOT your home, yard, etc.As far as my dog, that is between him and myself.Just curious and looking for opinions.My Mom had a mini-doxie with back problems..the vet reccomened she use a puppy pan for him as he had walking issues.I walk my pap for the exersize/mental stimulation….’potty’ breaks are separate. He gets two brisk 30 minute walks every day…if he eliminates during those walks, great, but that is NOT their primary purpose..and no matter what method is used, there are irresponsible dog owners.If an inside trained dog is cleaned up after immediately, the home does NOT smell like a dog’s p!ssing post-see? here comes the rudeness.One thing I do not buy into is the ‘eliminate in the house arguement’…people eliminate in the home…we have rooms just for that…and if anyone believes a toilet is far more ‘sanitary’ than a puppy pan-guess again. Even with the lid down, every flush sends countless germs INTO THE AIR inside the home for people to breathe in….so by that arguement, we should return to outhouses.Doggie doors only work for private homes…not apartment buildings and condos…..
A: Outside house break. Puppy padds start to become a hassel.
What are these bumps on my puppy’s stomach??? :(?
Q: We bought a cocker spaniel puppy and she is 4 mo. old now. I took her to the vet and they did a fecal analysis and she checked out to be perfectly fine and healthy. She finished her last series of puppy shots about a month ago and i have already given her Heartgard twice in the past 2 months. She is an inside dog and i keep everything very clean and sanatized due to knowledge of parvo and other diseases that can be fatal to a puppy at such a young age.We have been paper training her and i keep the area clean for her. I always wash her whenever her paws get wet from pee. A coupple weeks ago she rolled in deer poop at my grand parents house and she may have eaten a little of that plus gotten into some goose poop. (which i know can carry a lot of parasites)We gave her a bath when we got home though.The bath we use on her has never caused irritation, so i am prone to believing that it has nothing to do with that. Her diet hasn’t changed and her bowel movements are still regular. She hasn’t has loss of appitite and she is still very playful and energetic.However, just yesterday i noticed that she had small bumps on her lower belly. They are not bright red but sort of pinkish and some of them are whitish and look like blisters. There are maybe 5 or 6 of these bumps, so i cleaned her belly off with a cool wet rag in case anything has irritated her skin. Later that night i noticed that one of these blisters looked like it has some puss around it. As these things always seem to happen, it is the weekend and her vet isn’t open :(So this morning i gently cleaned her belly off again and applied some diluted solution of Triguard to it with a spray bottle. Triguard is a good bacteria that makes the good bacteria on the body stronger and kills the bad bacteria. It worked for my acne and it also helped cure my daughters diaper rash in a day. I am hoping that it might do some good for my puppy but i don’t know for sure because i don’t know what these bumps are in the first place.Just a coupple of years ago we had to put my 16 yr. old cocker down and it was so hard to deal with the loss of her from my life. I love our new puppy so much and i don’t want to see her have to go through any of this and i really could use some help.Does anyone know what these bumps could be and if it could be anything severe? Regardless i am getting her to the vet asap but is there anything i should know or could do in the meantime?Any advice would be More than helpful. Thank you all for your time.~RaVeN****#1. I am not ignorant and have been raised around dogs. I know it is not her nipples. These bumps are in the middle of her stomach.******#2. She is only 4 mo. old and she is an inside dog who is not around other dogs so unless she is the virgin mary of the dog race, the she is NOT pregnant.
A: It sounds to me like your pup has a staph infection on her belly. This is actually pretty common and can happen if a pup/dog spends a lot of time sleeping on a non-absorbent surface – such as a vinyl floor, damp grass/bedding etc. Rolling in deer or goose poop might qualify lol !It might require antibiotics to clear up this infection, especially as you’re seeing some pus in the pimples. However, it’s not something you need to worry about to the extent of going to an emergency vet clinic or anything. I’d recommend calling up your vet on Monday and explaining the situation. They will probably give you an appointment to take a look at her.Hope this helps. Best of luck.
Does anyone else have this problem (or information?) – TMI Warning!?
Q: Since I was about 7 years old I’ve been getting stomach pain “attacks” (for lack of a better word). They started out as being a very occasional occurrence- about 2-3 times a year then turned into being something I got every few weeks during the summer and now it happens all the time. To be more specific I have periods of 3-4 months where I get these attacks 1-4 times a week then 1-3 months where I have no attacks at all. It seems like they occur more often in the evening but I’ve had them happen at all times during the day. There is no food that triggers it and stress does not seem to cause it either. During these attacks I would describe the pain as severely crampy. By severe I mean praying to die pain, paralyzing pain, and so much pain I feel like I’m going to puke- and I have a very high pain tolerance. One time I woke up during the night with this pain (though a little more intense than usual) and tried to call 911 but could literally not move to reach the phone by my bed and could not move enough to inhale deeply enough to call anyone for help in the house. The pain comes in waves and the whole attack usually lasts for about 1-2 hours. During this pain I have diarrhea and a lot of it. Sometimes I won’t poop for 2 weeks after this happens. Obviously, I went to see a doctor about this and saw a specialist who gave me a colonoscopy. The gastroenterologist said he didn’t see anything in my colon though it wasn’t as “clean” as he would have liked and diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He had said when I just went in for the consultation that this would be my diagnosis because all young adult females that have been diagnosed with depression that come into his office have IBS so I don’t know whether or not I should go get a second opinion. He was rude and even made a snide comment about my religion (I wear a religious necklace) but he is considered the best in the state. My concern was that it was Crohn’s Disease since my uncle has it. Anyway, my question is- does anyone else with IBS have pain this severe? If so, what do you do to deal with it? And if anyone out there with Crohn’s reads this- does this sound like what you’re going through? Should I be seeking a second opinion?Thanks everyone for reading all of this. I really appreciate it.I got my first period at a normal age- 13 on my actual birthday lol. Pain is in lower middle abdomen right under my belly button but diffused into my thighs and lower back. It’ll get so intense at times that I feel it in every joint in my body. Does not come with my period. In fact, up until about 3 months ago I was on Depo Provera for 4 years and didn’t have a period during that time.
A: I can honestly say, after suffering with IBS for years, in the beginning it felt like labour pains, the cramps were so severe that they made me feel nauseous.I hear you and sympathies with youonly time will let you know what bothers you.believe it or not, if I eat fresh cream, I may as well have just eaten 2,000 live wasps.
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